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I stuffed my face until my stomach couldn't take it anymore. "This is magical after sitting in the dark for hours, crying." I sighed, patting my stomach.

"Geez, Cherry, do you plan on having a food baby?" Frisk asked.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Don't judge me. Before this I was running on a hot dog and a water bottle."

"You ate my hotdog?!" Sans gasped.

"Yes, and it was delicious. Even if it was cold." I teased.

There was a sweep of laughter over the table and Toriel stood. "Well, I hope you can eat a little bit more. I looked around in your old things and found something to make for you."

In curiosity I looked over at her. "Was it a craft or something?"

Toriel shook her head and walked to the fridge. She removed a covered pie tin and brought it toward the table, an old paper laying on top. Taking the paper, she handed it to me gently and uncovered the pie.

My eyes skinned over the top of the paper and my eyes widened. "You found this!" I cried in surprise. "I thought I lost this years before I even fell down here."

My heart felt heavy and light at the same time. Memories of my parents flashed in the back of my mind and I grinned. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as Toriel displayed the pie.

I looked down at the surface of the scratch-made pecan pie. "My mom used to make this for my birthday instead of a cake." I reminisced. "Wow, it's been too long mom..." I added, though too quiet for anyone to hear.

Toriel placed a piece in front of me. As I looked up at her to say thank you, my heart stopped. She was backlit heavily, making only her grin and silhouette seeable. I could see the silhouette of my human mother in the monster in front of me. Even when I could see Toriel clearly, the feeling of my mother's presence lingered.

A finger slid across my cheek and I snapped from my daze. "Wait, what?" I asked bewildered.

Sans snickered. "This pie must be good if you're already crying." Sans teased.

I grinned and wiped my eyes. "Sorry. It's just nice to see my mom. Both of them."

Toriel grinned happily and dished pie to everyone else. The first bite had so much nostalgia I almost had to stop. "God Toriel! Did you resurrect my mom to make this?" I asked.

Toriel giggled. "Thank you for such a compliment dear. I'm glad you like it."

I ate the rest in a few bites, and took my plate to the sink. After rinsing, then I retired to the living room and turned on a movie. Slowly people joined me on the couch, all watching the movie intently.

"What is this movie anyway? This chick is super badass!" Undyne said.

"It's called Underworld. It's my FAVORITE movie. If I was this badass, you'd all die of badass overload."

"Says the girl that died, resurrected, has powers greater than Sans AND forced the universe into creating a soul." Frisk replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and curled up against Sans. "Hey, the kid isn't lying." Sans whispered as the movie resumed.

"Shut up ya Blueberry. I'm watching Underworld."

He chuckled and wrapped an arm over my shoulders. The movie came to an end and I sighed. "Do y'all wanna watch the next or..."

My eyes drifted over my friends and I fell silent. A majority of them slept soundly, even Sans. Undyne and Mettaton remained awake, both waiting for me to finish my thought.

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