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The crowd roared in disapproval as both Jace and I burst out laughing. Mettaton sighed as they threw tomatoes at both us and the unofficial judge Sans. He seemed unchanged by the onslaught, but I didn't want to return home with a boyfriend smelling like rotten tomatoes.

Sliding over the top of my small booth, I approached the napping skeleton as Jace watched. He knew perfectly well what I was going to do, but he didn't say a thing. The crowd hushed as I closed the distance and towered over his snoozing body. He sat in one of Mettaton's interview armchairs, sinking into the pink leather.

"Sans!" I said in a sing-song voice. "Get up! The show is over."

He grumbled in coherent garble and I raised a brow. "English please?"

He merely groaned and I rolled my eyes. "Don't make me do this in front on an audience." I warned.

I could sense it as their interest peaked. I'd already met my objective of stopping the onslaught of tomatoes, but it was time for bonus material.

"Do what?" He muttered, opening an eye for just a moment.

"Hey Cherry!" Jace yelled, taking both Sans' and my attention. "One last question."

I grabbed Sans by his collar and yanked him gently into a sitting position. "Hit me." I yelled back, pouting as Sans fell back asleep.

"Would you kiss a skeleton?" He asked, causing the crowd to gasp. Suddenly, Sans was awake and well aware of his surroundings.


I smiled deviously and grabbed his jacket before touching my forehead to his. "Yes, yes I would."

I swept him in a gentle kiss, dipping him like you would in a Tango. His skull erupted in a blue hue as the crowd roared in approval. "Now, Jace, don't forget the rules, you have a separate question, so here it is."

"S***," Jace hissed.

"Would you kiss a spider-chick?" I asked, innocently but menacingly.

His face erupted in red hue as I burst out laughing. "I knew it!"

As Mettaton laughed, he turned to the crowd and bowed. "Well folks, that's all the time we have for today. Stay tuned for Late Night with Mettaton! Goodnight!"

The curtain swung shut as I laughed at my two flustered boys. "God you two are easy to toy with." I teased.

Jace huffed as he glared at me in an accusing manner. "I thought you were just having me ask you that so you could embarrass Sans." He growled. "You totally flipped it on me."

I snickered while dramatically flipping your hair. "You should know by now to NEVER trust a ginger."

"So I shouldn't trust myself?" He asked.

"Yep. I don't trust myself and look where I am. With a soul and a boyfriend. Take notes baby brother."

He flipped me off and I snickered. Sans recovered from the sudden kiss and looked at me with bewilderment. "You did that... on live television." He murmured.

I nodded with a stoic expression, raising a brow. "Yes, and?"

His grin grew as he laughed, pressing his teeth to my lips. "I love you, but I'm gonna kill you someday."

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