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I was almost running as I left the lab. After feeling so renewed I didn't want to deal with Sans' dick-ery. The thought of him irritated the hell out of me. He just hated me for no reason!

People like that pissed me off. My stitches were starting to fall out, thankfully. Though Alphys' machine couldn't close my wound around the inorganic material, so my side was around 89% healed. My pack was filled with supplies and I was ready to just be done with this whole venture.

After about an hour or two of walking, I stopped to examine my bag for a snack. I nearly screamed in delight when I found a slice of pie. It looked odd and smelled different than any pie I'd ever had, but it tasted like a slice of heaven. I recognized cinnamon over the other vaguely familiar flavor of Butterscotch.

Before I got up to leave, a familiar voice greeted my ear. "Howdy Cherry!"

I looked back and saw my flowery friend waving at me. "Oh, hey Flowey. Where've ya been?"

Before he answered, he wove a dome over us like he had the last time we met. I guess it was for privacy.

"Well, I've been around, ya know, trying to prepare for the whole, 'getting to the surface and getting souls' thing. I'm very excited. When I have a soul again, maybe I'll get my form again."

I sent him a questioning look. "You've had a form other than a flower?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! I used to be a monster like any other, but an accident knocked the soul outta me and sent my consciousness into a flower."

"Oh, that sucks. What was your monster form like?" I asked.

"I can't remember. It was a long time ago."

I shrugged and sat back down criss-cross-applesauce. (Who else feels old after hearing that?)

I looked at the dome around us and a question popped into my mind. "Flowey, how are you growing anything here?"

"Volcanic soil is very fertile actually! I can grow anything here as long as I can find water." He responded, his expression looking intrigued with my question and his eyes giving me a feeling that he thought I was an idiot.

I shrugged and began to get up until a vine wrapped around my wrist. "Flowey?" I asked.

He looked at me with a fake expression. I couldn't even tell what he was trying to copy. "Flowey, is there a reason you found me?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah.... Cherry, I'm being followed. Someone's trying to kill me."

I felt my chest quiver with sympathy. "Who?" I asked.

"It's a skeleton. His name is Sans."

A gasp spilled from my lips and I pulled Flowey into a half hug. "I know the skeleton, and he's a dick, so I understand."

After a pause I spoke again, "If you're trying to avoid Sans, you probably need to get outta the Hotlands. He's only a little bit back from where I came from."

Flowey frowned at me and his head sank. "Okay, I'll get out of here. I promise I'll come get you if something happens with our deal, okay?"

I nodded and pat his head twice before he left. Like the first time, he left me in the vines. With a groan of annoyance, I pushed around in my pack until I found the blade. To be honest, I'm glad Chara hadn't taken the blade back. It was going to come in handy.

After unwrapping the blade carefully, I dug in through the wall of the dome and brought it down. The vines cut more easily here than when I had faced the same situation in Waterfall.

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