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P.o.V. Sans
Almost immediately after those brats finished talking, I watched the last bit of Cherry disappear from the figure in front of me. She was replace by a copied image of Chara, vines curled around them like armor.

They cackled and threw the knife in the air, catching it easily. "Finally, that soulless bitch gave up on her last hope. It was about time too, I was getting bored."

Frisk was in tears by my side. "Cherry no! You can't give up! We need you here! We-"

I threw a hand in front of Frisk, silencing him. He looked at me with tearful eye. "Sans, what-"

"Come on kid, stop it with the waterworks. We need to beat the living hell outta this little shit so we can get our slice of heaven back."

Frisk looked confused for a moment, before realizing my words. "But Sans how are we gonna save Cherry? She... She gave up."

I sent him a look then looked to the others. "Then let's give her some hope."
P.o.V. Cherry
I wailed with tears as Chara launched towards my friends with her blade. Flowey aided her, swinging at them with thorny or poisonous vines. I was useless to help them... Just like always.

'Cherry, come on...'

My head snapped up at the words. They weren't from Chara's harsh mouth but they were familiar.

'You put the kid in tears, you can't just leave us like this. It's tearing us up from the inside.'

I sniffled. An echo of a groan rang quietly.

'Cherry you still owe me a story. You've never broken a promise to me... Never.'


'Child, be strong. We are here, waiting for you.'

A tear blazed a trail over my cheek. My friends were still calling for me, even if I couldn't help them. It was stupid. Even if I wanted to come back...

"I Don't kNow hOw!" I yelled into nothingness.

More tears stained my cheeks. I felt like I needed to help, but I can't. I don't know how. I can't help the only people I care about. It wasn't even care anymore, it was more than that. I didn't know what it was and it killed me.

Whimpers turned into screaming as frustration pulled me into rage. They kept calling to me.

'Come on kid! Toughen up and punch your way out!'

'We're waiting for you out here darling, don't make us wait too long.'

'C-Cherry, we s-still have a-anime to watch together.'

Rage filled my veins and my last scream tore my throat to a point of no return. I could almost taste the blood.

"i CaN'T!"

I shook violently as the noise stopped. The images in front of me still moved but it was like there was a mute over them. My whimpering sobs cut through the air. The chains that pulled me down seemed to go slack and I pulled my hands to my eyes as I sobbed.

"I want to... But I can't." I whispered.

A hand fell against my shoulder and I looked up. Gaster smiled down at me, offering his hand.

Soulless (Undertale FanFiction) Where stories live. Discover now