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It was darker than the void ever was. It's was quieter than a windless night in the middle of concrete nothingness. Only the ringing in my ears. Even my own body was silent. Tears and memories shook my body. I was confused and alone in a see of moving black, darker than knowledge could comprehend.

I wish I had a chance to say goodbye. I wish I could have kept my promises. I wish it hadn't ended like this.

I covered my eyes with my hands and wept into them silently. Sobs wracked through my body and I grit my teeth. Sobbing wouldn't make the truth go away. I'm dead and I can't go back. It was something I'd have to accept.

But I still cried, I still mourned over the loss of those I'd never meet again. My shoulders shook as I cried out in pain. My heart thudded against my chest painfully.

And more tears...
And more...
And more...
And more...

Foolish, selfish tears that were undeserving of a purpose. Undeserving of mourning a fate that couldn't be reversed. Hot, burning, treacherous tears. I sobbed, alone in my fate. Alone in the void.


Suddenly a cold hand closed over my shoulder and I jumped away, alarmed by the sudden touch. My body rocked back to the nonexistent ground, and I looked up. An image of a familiar friend, but morphed and almost unrecognizable. His skin was black and malformed, and his eyes were just rings of blue, yellow and red. In red letters the word Error littered his body. He wore a dark blue hood over a red shirt, black shorts with a blue stripe and a pair of black slippers.

My heart shuttered as I reached towards him. "S-Sans?" I asked.

The skeleton look-alike moved back and looked at me quizzingly. "Y-You're a-a g-glitch in the s-system." He said curtly.

I felt my heart drop as I looked at the copy. "What?" I asked.

"Y-You were a m-mistake... A d-defect..."

I felt anger in my gut as I shouted at the imposter. "Who are you?! Why do you look like Sans?!" I snapped.

He made eye contact and held out a hand. "E-Error!Sans." He said simply.

I shook his hand and looked at him wearily. "And why do you look like Sans?" I pressed.

"I-I am S-Sans, j-just not t-the o-one you m-met."

I raised a brow. "You're not my Sans. So why are you here?" I asked.

"Y-You need t-to res-set." He said simply.


He nodded. "Y-You made y-yourself imp-portant to Undertale. Y-You are n-necessary to the t-timeline."

I raised a brow then laughed. "I'm dead you idiot. I'm not going back anytime soon." I sneered.

He shook his head. "Y-You are n-not completely d-dead. Y-Your soul r-remains in Undertale, s-safe."

"So? What's that to me?"

Error!Sans snickered. "Y-You're naive. D-Do you r-remember h-how Frisk c-can reset?"

I nodded. "Well yeah, duh."

"Y-You have t-the s-sans ability b-because o-of your g-glitch."

"My glitch?" I asked, my handing fluttering to my chest like I knew. "Do you mean-"

"H-Humans can n-not sustain witho-out s-souls. Y-You a-are a g-glitch in n-nature."

My heart skipped a beat. "I'm literally a freak of nature?" I laughed dryly.

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