Back to Life

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Sans and I picked up a phone and a cheap case, leaving the store promptly. Kid bid you goodbye as you left, making you smile. Suddenly wanting that companionship of a small person, I summoned Geeby to my side. Sans chuckled as he trotted around me happily.

"Toriel's gonna kill you for using your magic ya know." He mused.

I shrugged. "Been there, survived that."

I snickered at my joke as Sans rolled his eyes. "So, any new encounters?" He asked.

Briefly I thought about Chara acting so oddly but I decided it wasn't worth worrying Sans. "Nah. Error was the last person- uh, monster I saw that I could touch on the physical plane. Then there was my parents but that's pretty much it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you saw your parents last night. What was that about?" He asked, a more serious undertone to his voice.

My face flushed as I recalled the panic I put them in. "I'm really sorry about that Sans. After I returned your's and Papyrus's clothing I was about to leave from my room at Toriel's when I saw the figure. It was all misty and cloud-like. It felt like I was supposed to follow it. So I followed the apparition, things lead to things and I saw my parents."

Remembering them smiling down at me one last time made a sad smile appear on my face. "I wish that wasn't the last time I'd see them...."

Sans made a passing motion and put his arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry about seeing your parents. I know for a fact they're watching us right now, probably vexing me for dating you without asking them."

I laughed. "Yeah, my mom's pulling out ALL the curses. You'll be a wart-riddled toad by the time she's done."

Sans grinned and pulled me closer. "I'd rather be a road than never have the chance to be with you."

A blush painted my cheeks as Sans pressed his teeth to my lips. I grinned like a maniac and tried not to giggle like a stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl. "Sans, your awesome. I don't think I could've asked for a better first boyfriend."

He pulled his head away and stuck out his tongue. A small shriek made me jump as I leaped from Sans' arm and looked around for the source. Geeby was as surprised as I was, but reacted more like a confused dog than a pet-form of my Gaster Blaster.

My eyes landed on a pink stiletto-ed, black mini skirt and tiny tube top wearing, highly powdered, brown haired girl. She looked at me with delight, then turned sour when her gaze fell to Sans. She had a posse of girls dressed in slightly less flashy clothes. She shimmied her way over to me.

"OMG! You're Cherry!" She squealed in a shrill voice.

I nodded. "That's my name, don't wear it out."

She laughed obnoxiously. "OMG you are soooo funny! What're you doing here?"

Sans gave me an unsure look and I shrugged. "I was actually just leaving UnderTech. My boyfriend Sans here wanted to replace the phone I lost awhile back."

Sans wrapped an arm around me and looked at the gaggle of girls. "Yo," he said cooly.

I could feel how tense and weird he felt about talking to the strangers. Wanting to spare him, I tried to cut the conversation. "Well, it's nice to have run into someone but Sans and I have some other things to get, so-"

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