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This next update will be the last!
*bum bum buuuuum* Now Now loyal readers! Dry thine tears for with this bitter turn I also bring news of joy and hope!

I know this wasn't the update you were hoping for, but the good news should make up for it. Because this story has grown so far in length, and the introduction of Jace has just come in along with Cherry realizing Chara is still around, if I continued it would be Hella long.

So after discussing it with Editor~Kun Jimbo, that's one name I use for him, we've decided. Soulless will live on in its glory to a sequel book!
*crowd cheering*

Yepper! We've already started planning and the sequel book will both elaborate on Jace and Cherry, but watch Cherry as she develops into the life she always wanted. I hope that you all have the patience to deal with me until then! The release date will be decided after we finish this story, and I'll be posting it both on my wall and in the last chapter of this book under a short author's note. I hope to see y'all there when the sequel is revealed!

With Love,

And Editor-Kun

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