First Battle

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Sans dropped me on my bottom and I yelped in pain. He gave me an apologetic smile and offered to help me up which I took greatfully. Mettaton flashed a picture and I growled.

"Mettaton will you stop! That's really unnecessary."

"But darling, the people want to know!" Mettaton said in an impatient tone.

"I don't care if they wanna know. I don't want them to. Just because Sans and I are friends now doesn't mean that we're dating."

"Cherry you were at each other's throats last I saw. To get that close after such a feud that you disappeared requires a lot of affection."

I rolled my eyes and buried my face in my palms. "Mettaton, we're friends and that's all." I said snappily.

"But darling-"

"Mettaton, I'm not trying to hide anything. I'm being infinity percent honest. There's more behind what you're looking into than you'd like to know." My tone was cold.

I pushed past him and walked through the front door. Mettaton had busted right through the frost so the door was open. "I'm going to Grillby's." Were my last words.

I trudged to the bar, my lack of clothing against the storm didn't bother me nearly as much as I would think. Must be a side effect of the injection. I opened the door to the bar and all eyes turned towards me. They watched as I walked past radiating annoyance. I plopped down at the bar and put my head against the smooth wood. I heard a warm laugh and looked up at my hot-headed friend.

"Hey Grillby." I said monotonely.

"You mad over the pictures?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, they don't bother me. It's more Mettaton insisting we're a thing.... He broke into the house."

Grillby laughed and shook his head. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked.

"What's the drinking age in the underground?" I asked hopefully.

"Hot chocolate it is." He responded.

I went back to moping in my seat, trying hard not to snap at the eyes on me. The warm mug soon sat next to me with a small dish of whipped cream and marshmallows. I smiled at Grillby and dumped the entire dish of sweets onto the contents of my mug. "Thanks Grillby. You always got the good stuff."

"You're welcome Cherry. This one's on the house."

I nodded and sipped gingerly at the steaming cup. The warmth seemed to relax me. I sat up and took another sip, a grin spreading over my face. A small tug on my sweater later and I looked down at a small dino like monster, not like Alphys in the sense of his missing arms though.

"Hi! Are you Cherry?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at him in confusion. "Who's asking?"

"I'm like your number one fan!" He said excitedly and leaned down, coming back up with a paper and pen. He propelled himself on to a bar stool and set them down. "Can I have your autograph?"

I laughed. "You're my fan? What did I do to deserve such attention?"

"Are you kidding? You're almost as cool as Undyne! You were on Mettaton's show! Remember? And even when you were getting all that crap from your bullies you kept laughing. That's super cool! And then you went viral when you suddenly disappeared!"

I sighed and patted his head. "That's just being a normal person."

He shook his head. "It's not just what you did! You're a really cool person! You're so confident and humble! And mysterious! You disappeared for like half a month and and back with a really cool looking eye!"

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