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"Hmm... interesting... another one..." He spoke strangely, with a cryptic tone, unwavering as he peered at me.

"Umm... answer the questions... please." I said, trying to gain an authoritative voice. It quivered a little, and didn't exactly prove anything. He seemed to be intrigued with me, and I couldn't tell what it is.

I cleared my throat and said, "If you don't wish to talk, I'll just have to leave."

I turned around, when he said, "Oh, but don't you want something? Something to fill a hole, something to give you a meaning in life, something to live for?" He was gesturing with his hands frantically as he spoke.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not interested in anything like that, and you just sound like an infomercial, and not a good one, like Slap Chop, more Shake Weight-y." I chuckled a little at myself on the last line, not knowing where it came from, or what the two things were, but knowing that it's absolutely hilarious.

"Hmm... is that so?" He inquired. "Well, that appears to be most unfortunate... blue-haired human."

I quipped back with, "I need to get going soon, stuff to do on the surface, you know." I started shuffling backwards, and eventually turned around and sprinted... into a wall. "Ow......" I groaned, rubbing my sore face.

My eyes slid around the obsidian expanse but the door was nowhere to be seen. "What the hell?!" I muttered. "Hey wax face, where's the door?"

"I will let you leave, if you listen to me." He said firmly, eyes fixed to the back of my head.

I turned around and stared directly into his eyes, "Speak, now."

His facial expression didn't change, and his voice remained steady. "Two things, one: don't call me wax face, ever again. Two: I know that you're soulless, and I can help you with that. I have already tested some soul supplements, but I do still need to conduct more research." Wax face spoke deliberately, and tried to add some impact on the more meaningful parts of his speech.

"If that's all, I would like to go now. I don't need some form of replacement, and if I'm soulless, why do I feel so alive, huh?" I spoke in a mocking tone, trying not too accept the truth, and just wanting to leave.

He laughed eerily, the door still void of my reach. *pun intended* "You know just as well as I that you lack emotions."

I snorted and set a challenging gaze on him. "Oh? And how would you know, Candle Stick? You have a soul, it was just shattered. I never had one to begin with."

"I know because she was the very same as, or even worse than, you." He said defiantly, before sighing. "However, she did come to me willingly when she desired my help."

"Well, I don't desire it now, so, if you'll excuse me, I must go now. I've already spent too much time here..." I trailed off the last syllable, and heard him chuckle. He emphasized a word, one so small, but with enough weight to almost destroy me.

"Who is she?" I asked quietly, both in curiosity and hope. Shaking my head I set my gaze ahead. "Never mind. Just open the door."

He nodded solemnly, the grin that stretched over his face seeming almost smug. My hand twisted the nob and I stepped out into sweltering heat. Looking around, dry land was beneath my feet and pools of lava littered the scenery. "What the hell? Why am I in Hotlands? Candle Stic-"

When I turned to see the door again, it was gone. "Damn monster dropped me off in the middle of Hotlands. Didn't even give me a warning!"

Sighing, I took a long, hard look at the landscape. There an entrance and a wall behind me, a suspended rope bridge connecting me to that point. My feet carried me onward, it didn't take long to find a crossroads. Several tourist and monsters stood around talking in a relaxed manner. People were still getting used to monsters, but no one could deny that the Underground was beautiful. It only had three environments total but their unique qualities made it fun to explore.

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