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I was walking home alone, the cold air biting me harshly. Guilt had been eating me since I snapped with Frisk about a week ago. I still hadn't summed up the courage to go to him and check the damage I caused. Toriel hadn't even called to give me an update. Though it didn't happen often, I knew that meant she was upset. A heavy sigh left my lips, curling in the air.

My little spot had grown since I hurt Frisk. Layers of trees had fallen around it, scarring the ones behind them. I usually donated the knocked over timber to a business but I didn't trust myself around many people recently. I wasn't even sleeping at home with Toriel.

My phone blasted the tune of Castle by Halsey. I panicked and snatched it quickly, seeing a picture of Frisk appear. Quickly I accepted the call and pressed the receiver to my ear. "H-Hey buddy! Long time no see..." I greeted.

Frisk snickered. "That's kinda because you haven't been home Cherry." Frisk pointed out.

I laughed dryly and stopped to lean against a tree. "So what up Li'l' Nug?"

"I wanted to know if you could meet me at Sans' and Papyrus' house. We're all kinda worried."

"I'm fine Frisk, I've been staying... somewhere else. And I'm in Snowdin during the day so I'm not dying, I promise."

Frisk giggled. "Well I trust that! But everyone else is worried."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Okay, I'm on the way. Who all will be there?" I asked.

"Me, Skelebros, Undyne, Alphys, Mom and Asgore."

I grinned. "So the gang?"

"Yeah, basically."

"What are we doing? Movie night?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, we're just hanging out so far."

I shrugged and looked in the direction of Snowdin. I had walked far enough to see the lights from where I was. "I'm within walking distance. Fifteen minutes, minimum."

"Okay! I'll be waiting at the door."

"No! You need to be resting until your side is completely healed." I nagged.

"It was just a cut!"

"A deep one, and I have experience with those, so take it easy."

"Ugh! Fine." Frisk said, defeated.

"Love ya Frisk!" I said, ironically.

"Like ya too!" Frisk teased.

I put down the phone and started trudging through the snow. My leather jacket was unzipped and flapping around me in the January wind. The jacket had a fluff outlining the hood and the ends of the sleeves. I had a plain blue t-shirt on under my jacket with black skinny jeans and tall black boots. A turquoise scarf Papyrus made me was wrapped around my neck firmly and I wore fingerless gloves. Very badass looking.

It took a bit over fifteen minutes to get to the skelebro's home but I sighed in relief when I did. Tapping the door lightly, I yelled, "Frisk let me in! It's freaking cold today!"

The door swung open and I saw Frisk's smile face. "Sup Li'l' Nug! Let me in before I turn into a popsicle."

He laughed and opened the door more. Inside, it was dark and I smiled. "I'm guessing y'all went with movie night?" I guessed, stepping in.

"Nope!" Frisk said chirpingly, closing the door to complete darkness.

"Frisk w-"

The lights flew on, causing me to cover my eyes.


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