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I sat nervously awaiting the first question, feeling quite awkward when the crowd was silent. Mettaton just laughed loudly and putting a hand on my knee. "Oh look darling, don't be so nervous! It's just some questions? Why don't we hop right in, shall we?"

I nodded gratefully and gave him a quiet thumbs up. "Okay darling, here's our first question from here in the crowd: We all know your name is Cherry. Now that we've seen your hair I wanna know, is your name related to your hair?"

A sigh of relief passed over me and I grinned. Easy questions like that, I could handle. "Actually yes. My name isn't Cherry, from birth. It's something I developed before my parents passed away."

As if on a cue the crowd all sighed sadly at my words. Mettaton made the 'keep going' motion with his hand and I continued to elaborate. Clearing my throat, I said, "I was born, legally, under the name Sheryl. Growing up I didn't like the name so I went by Sherry instead, as sort of a gloss over the name. But as I got to around fourth grade, and people realized how off I was, they'd tease me with it. Calling out my hair and my horrible name, they started calling me, Cherry, and it just stuck to me, becoming my name."

Mettaton threw a hand over his mouth and gasped. "You mean the fact your name was once your tease doesn't bother you?"

I shrugged. "They're not down here are they? What can they do to me?"

Mettaton looked down at his phone and frowned. "They can send us pictures darling. I won't show them to you but I wouldn't check the Undernet if I was you."

I raised a brow in confusion, "How are you getting those?" I asked.

"Why, the humans must be watching!"

My entire face turned beet red and I looked at one of the cameras. In an moment of adolescent mind set, I flipped them off and stuck out my tongue. "Let's just continue here," I said, "It's better not to let them get to me. Besides, I know a few who would envy the fact I'm on the set of your show."

Mettaton blushed then laughed politely.

"If you say so darling!" Mettaton sifted threw his question blog looking for something that wasn't just dirt at me. "Oh, here we go, there are rumors that you and the skeleton Sans have recently become rival enemies. Care to explain?"

At the sound of his name I growled, "The facts are simple, I don't like that skeleton. We started off twenty paces from the right foot and have gotten worse from there. I won't say he's a terrible person, but I've only seen how he is when he's acting like an as- I mean jerk."

Mettaton nodded along. "So you two aren't enemies, but you still don't like him. How does that work?"

I grinned. "It's easy. To like someone, you trust them, at least to some degree. Mettaton. You for example, I trust that you won't pull me too far from my comfort zone, like showing me the pictures my bullies are sending you. Then in addition to that, you have to have at least one thing in common, I haven't found a solid one between us but I believe there is one. You also have to enjoy the other's company, feel safe around them. I feel safe here, even in front of a live audience."

I paused as the crowd cheered and whooed. Then I finished off my sentence. "You need all of those to like a person. I don't have any of those from Sans, and I haven't given those to him."

Mettaton took a deep breath and nodded like he was a psychologist. "I see Cherry, was it always like that with him?"

I laughed quietly and said, "Sorta and sorta not. The first time we 'met' was when someone tipped him off I was in his house. No! I wasn't stealing anything, but a couples days after I got here, a blizzard hit that snowy place, Snowdin I think, and I couldn't afford the inn, seeing as I fell in here with a total of three human currency. I would show you, but two went as a donation to a spider bake sale and the other I used on a jukebox after Sans had made me really mad. So when I saw his house, and the window view proved it was vacant, I climbed to the second floor balcony and got inside through that door."

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