Jace's Interview

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Mettaton started off with a few easy questions, mainly what he did for a living, what he did on the surface, and other questions like that. I waited patiently while Sans snoozed quietly by my side.

"So Jace, as the brother of Underground's second biggest star, do you have big dreams?" Mettaton inquired.

Jace shrugged. "I haven't really put too much thought into my future, but I did meet a monster in Waterfall that was amazing with musical arrangements, so I might pursue that as a hobby. His name was Napstablook if I remember correctly."

Mettaton's face lit up. "Oh! That would be my dear cousin Blooky! He'd be delighted to hear this!"

Jace chuckled smoothly. "I have a habit of delighting people."

I elbowed him in the side with a crooked smile. "Don't be so vain. Your douche is showing through." I teased.

"Hardy har har. VERY funny Cherry. You're one to speak. It takes one to know one."

"Hey!" I cried in protest.

Mettaton laughed with the crowd. "Oh don't you just love sibling rivalry folks! It's absolutely adorable!"

We both looked at Mettaton, sending him juvenile and humorous looks. Standing up, he took hold of both Jace and I. "This gives me an idea!"

"That's dangerous." I muttered.

The crowd roared in laughter as Jace merely chuckled. Mettaton, faking an almost maternal annoyance, plopped me and Jace in swivel chairs seperated by a wall. "Oh god, I know where this is going..." I muttered. "Please no..."

"Oh Yes!!!"

Mettaton took perch on a stool behind a podium and revealed a stack of magically appearing cards. "It's time to play the "Long Lost Sibling Fun Reunion How Well Do You Know Them Quiz Game!"

The crowd roared and my head crashed to my palms. "Why do I always get caught in these stupid situations?!"

Jace laughed, challenging me with a cool look. "Hah, admit it! You're just scared to lose!"

At the words, my head perked up, a chilling look spreading over my face. "Did you just say I was 'afraid?'..." I mused with malicious intent soaking my thoughts.

Slamming my hands down on the also magically appearing whiteboard in my lap and uncapping the magical marker in my hand, fire blazed in my eyes. "You're on Little Brother."

"No, I said you were scared, not afraid. Being scared and afraid are two completely different things, cherie. Fear, and being afraid, is something that sets in, it haunts you. Being scared is short term, it's like something suddenly appearing in your face." He spoke smoothly, keeping his voice level the entire time.

Face lit with divine determination, the exact opposite to my brother's cool expression, I grinned wildly and picked up my magic marker as aggressively as one could make such an action seem. "Question One Mettaton! Hit me with it!"

Jace leisurely picked up his own marker and uncapped it, ready to see if I was still as I was when I was young. Mettaton's eyes lit up and the crowd roared as he revealed the first question on a screen.

"Let's start with an easy question, shall we? What is each other's favorite color?"

I laughed triumphantly as I scribbled down the one answer I knew would always be true. Displaying my answer proudly, I looked at Jace. He glanced at my answer and gave it the thumbs up, earning me a point. He flashed me his own board and I frowned.

"Oh dear! It seems we have a tie right off the bat! Be prepared wiki pages! It's just been confirmed that Jace's favorite color is purple, and Cherry's is "Sans Blue." Fascinating!" Mettaton dramatized.

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