Not Chara

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My eyes snapped open to the familiar black landscape that I'd seen too many times. Black smoke encompassed my hands as I spun in a circle, looking for the intruder.

Cherry please, don't panic.

The voice was familiar in the worst of ways. My face fell on a child that had become the very image of bloodlust. Chara's small body was positioned a few feet away from me. Their stance held no hostility but my guard was still up. In my gut I knew this would happen, but it didn't make this any more enjoyable.

"What the hell are you doing here Chara?" I hissed the words like venom.

Please don't hurt me yet! I want to speak to you, honestly.

I laughed. "And I'm just supposed to trust you?! Do I look like a fucking idiot?" I sneered.

I know you hate me. But please-

They were cut off by a swift kick. If anyone had seen it, they'd panic. I mean, how else do you react to a lady in her early twenties roundhouse kicking some kid in the stomach. Chara crumbled easily and sat on the floor, coughing violently.

They didn't fight back though. In my hot headed rage I punched them again and stood back. "Okay, I'm done." I muttered, turning my back.

Chara coughed violently, red smearing her pale lips.

I deserve way more than that.

I smirked. "Yeah, you do."

There was a lull in the conversation and I stared at the child, waiting for them to do something unforgivable. They didn't. After a bloody coughing fit they merely curled with their legs under their chin. Guilt nibbled the back of my consciousness, turning into confused frustration.

"What's your problem?!" I snapped. "After what you've done, even though you know you can do so much more than this, why aren't you fighting back?! Are you trying to drive me insane?!"

Chara looked at me with tearful eyes and buried their head in their sweater.

I'm sorry.

Chara's voice was muffled, even though it technically came from all around us. Even more frustration poisoned my already boiling blood. I grabbed Chara by the collar and lifted them to my eye level. My eyes bore into the depths of them, trying to find even a glimpse of malicious intent. Nothing.

I dropped Chara and released an annoyed growl. My feet took me away from the child, walking aimlessly into the blackness. Eventually I'd end up back with the brat but right now I needed to escape.

Thoughts raced through my mind, confusion fueling anger and frustration. My face was as red as my hair by the time I found Chara back in my view. They looked at me sheepishly but quickly broke their gaze from mine. Something in my soul tugged at the motion. My heart sank and I sighed.

"I'm leaving." I said curtly, not looking at Chara.

Okay, I won't stop you.

I grunted in response, closing my eyes. And tried to wake my conscious body, but failed miserably. Another vicious growl tour my throat. Chara kept their gaze on the ground. Something was nagging me, something I had to understand before I left. I paced a bit before plopping on to the ground in front of Chara.

"Okay kid, talk." I instructed.

Chara seemed startled by my sudden interest in them.

What do you want to hear?

I looked at them with the 'duh' look and their face reddened.

Oh, I guess it's kinda obvious. Chara laughed nervously. You wanna know why I'm still around.

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