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^Actual Conversation I've had^

I closed my eyes as I squeezed her close to me. Seeing her so vulnerable, after everything she'd done, it seemed too real. She sighed and pushed me away, looking at me glumly.

"You have to go." She said quietly.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Sans and Jace are trying to wake you up."

I rolled my mismatched eyes and smirked. "The losers can wait. I like it here."

Chara smiled softly but shook her head. "They'll start getting concerned soon. We've been here for hours."

My eyes widened and I snorted. "Wow, time does fly when you're having fun!" I laughed.

Chara giggled and sat in the meadow. Her eyes gazed up at the vast blue sky and she sighed in the warmth of the sun.
"I like it here too. How about I stay here, okay? We can meet here when you sleep?"

I nodded and laid down next to her, looking to the sky. As my body relaxed I heard her giggle. Glancing at her, mischief was in her eye as she spoke two simple words. "Goodbye, Cherry."

I felt a sharp pain in between my eyes and they closed on instinct. The brat had flicked me!

"What the heck, Chara?!" I whined.

Opening my eyes, a blush misted my face as I found both Sans and Jace leaning over me. Immediately after Chara's name fell off my lip, Sans' eye ignited. I quickly sat up and waved my hands wildly.

"Calm down Sans! Chill! Chara's not back!" I blurted, placing a hand against his chest.

His expression softened and a sigh fell from him. "Geez kid, don't scare me like that." He chuckled.

Jace rolled his eyes and sat back into his seat. "Way to go Cherry. Do you always start the day with a proper distribution of heart attacks?"

I snickered and sat up, throwing my legs off the couch. "Yep, then I eat waffles and go about my life."

"What life?" He retorted.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. "Hardy Hardy. Fuck you little bro."

"Nah, I'll leave that to Sans." He winked.

My face erupted with red and Sans burst out laughing. "Nah, I don't think she's ready for the bone zone."

I hid my face and groaned. "Can we not make bone-r jokes?" I asked.

Jace and Sans laughed, making me feel better. "Man, Cherry, you weren't this fun as a kid." Jace mused.

"Well no shit Sherlock. I was literally missing parts." I spat back. "Besides, we were only together for one year and two months, so a lot happened between then and now."

"Oh, that reminds me," Sans interrupted. "Hey Jace, how exactly did y'all meet?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Why are you so interested in my past?!" I complained.

"Because you don't talk about it. Now I've got a bro that actually knew you as a child. This is too good to pass up."

I shot Jace a warning look but he smirked. "Cherry, that glare hasn't worked since Day Two, and it only worked day one because you snuck up on me."

As I screamed internally, I released a sigh and looked at him seriosuly. "Fine, you can talk, but I reserve the right to interupt and clarify details."

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