Gaster's Experiment

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The darkness seemed to swell around me in waves, the motion comforting in a way. I remembered crying for hours after Sans had hit me with such a low blow, my emotions had come crashing down.

I woke up alone, looking around for anything, but only finding black. Even the floor that I laid on seemed invisible. But I could tell I wasn't alone, I called out. "Gaster?" I called. "Are you here?"

His mangled form appeared before me, his skeletal hand offering to help me up. His garbled voice seemed to ring from all directions. "Hello again Cherry. I see you'd like to take me up on my deal."

I shook my head mutely, thinking about my and Sans' fight. I was ready to get a soul, or find mine if Gaster was right. I was sick of being different. I wanted a soul. I hoped Flowey would forgive me. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Gaster grinned at me lopsidedly and took my hand, leading me into the void.  A lab appeared after a few minutes of walking and I immediately jumped to look at it. The blackness became old quick and I was excited by the sight of real objects. "We need to perform some experiments before we can find your soul," Gaster said. "I promise we'll move fast though."

I nodded, not really caring if we rushed or not. Even if I didn't get a soul, I had decided it was about time I was strong enough to help myself. Gaster prepared a test for me and I sat patiently on a table, waiting. Something churned in the pit of my stomach. It was about to get exciting.
P.o.V Sans
(oooooo P.o.V shift less than 300 words in)
I watched in horror as the door closed behind Cherry. Gaster looked at me just as the door closed, like he had won a victory.

I snatched my phone from my pocket and dialed Alphys's number. She picked up almost instantly. "Sans, I saw what happened. Was that really-"

"Alphys we need to get Cherry out of there. We both know what he could do."

Alphys sighed. "Yes, I know. I-I'll call Papyrus."

I hung up and looked at the spot where the door had disappeared. Guilt filled me after what I said. It wasn't like I didn't know. I knew all to well it was a low blow, but I still swung.
P.o.V. Cherry
When Gaster returned, he held a syringe in his hand. I eyed it wearily and Gaster caught my gaze. "Don't worry Cherry, this will be the only thing I inject."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It is a form of determination, laced with power, adapted to beings with no soul."

I looked at Gaster. "You said I had a soul."

"That is my theory. When I found you after your fight with Sans, I hypothesized you may actually have no soul. I am aware the act is possible. A past partner of mind proved that."

I looked at the needle again and stuck out my arm. "If it's only this one time I'm okay with it."

The needle pinched as it slid under my skin, the liquid inside slowly pushing into my veins. It burned more than anything but I didn't scream.

Gaster led me into a barred room and sat me on a bed. "Your reaction to the injecting may place you as a dangerous being. You'll be staying here as you adjust to it."

I nodded mutely and Gaster left. I opened my backpack and looked over the contents with a sad look. Alphys had packed paper for me, just in case I had another artist attack. Toriel's pie was sitting in a plastic container, half eaten from my stop in the Hotlands. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at it. I had no clue if it would work from where I was, but I tried.

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