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Sans stood in front of me like a disappointed father. "Young lady, is there something you'd like to say?" He asked.

I shook my head and focused on a spot on the wall. Maybe if I focused enough, I could pull what Napstablook did and summon the cosmos. No such luck. We sat still for a long time, waiting for the other to give in. I coughed, breaking the silence. Sans looked at me more intensely and I challenged his gaze. He groaned and flopped on the couch next to me.

"Come on kid, just tell me you snuck in."

"Thanks but I choose life." I retorted.

Sans sighed and melted into the couch. "I ain't gonna fight ya. I already got confirmation it was you."

I groaned into my sweater and hid my face inside of it. The wool started to get heavy, the snow melting into it. Cold swept through me and I shivered.

"Can you turn on the heating?" I asked.

He shrugged. It took all my will not to cuss him out as he fell asleep instead. Frisk came by moments later and sat on the couch, curling into my side. He shivered from the cold and I giggled.

"Come here little nugget." I said.

Frisk gave me a questioning look but didn't object to getting closer. I wrapped an arm around his small body and laid my head against the arm of the couch. He fell asleep against me, still curled up in his sweater like I was. It didn't take long for my eyes to flutter shut.
When I opened my eyes, it was considerably warmer. I looked under my arm to find Frisk still snoozing against my hip and he had a blue jacket over him like a blanket. The young boy looked cute all curled up. A quiet giggle escaped my mouth. I moved slightly and felt fabric shift over my face. I looked up and saw a red scarf wrapped around my head. I smiled. It was nice to wake up in company sometimes.

I put my head down and tried to remain as still as possible so I didn't wake Frisk. It wasn't hard to stay still until I felt an increasing pain on my side. I looked at my side and saw Frisk head resting on the knife. As he slept, his head slipped towards the edge of it, digging the blade into my flesh. My sweater protected Frisk from injury but I didn't feel like dealing with a blade wound. Slowly, I moved to make the handle of the blade more visible. I grabbed it tenderly, Frisk stirring slightly as I moved the knife. Every time I moved more than a centimeter, Frisk stirred. It eventually occurred to me, the best choice was just to do it in one swift motion. I grabbed the hilt fully and pulled it from my waistband, a hiss escaping my lips as a long cut pierced my side.

Frisk moved his head and slowly woke up after hearing me and looked around. He saw the bloodied knife in my hand and gasped, launching up from his position. "I'll get help!" He said and jumped up from the couch.

"Frisk no!" I called after him to no avail. He darted to the two upper floor rooms and banged on the doors. This was the opposite of what I wanted to happen.

Sans was the first out of his room, his eyes locking on the bloodied knife in my hand. A growl ripped through him as his magic encased my body. Pain gripped my wrist and I hissed as I dropped the knife. Frisk ran to Sans trying to get him to release his hold but Sans was in a trance. Papyrus came out of his room and scanned the situation.

"Brother!" He called. "Put the human down! She's hurt!"

My eyes darted to the stinging in my side and I felt a tear blaze a trail down my cheek. Red grew on my sweater and I felt surprised. It hadn't occurred to me the cut was deep, I had only been worried about keeping Frisk from waking the others.

I didn't say anything, but I watched as Sans' expression softened and his eyes followed the blade and then to my side.

I felt his magic leave my form and the full effect of the cut washed over me. A searing pain ate at my side, filling me with confusion.

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