Hello Undernet

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My nap only lasted about an hour, but when I woke up Sans was asleep. Being the lazy ass he is, I wasn't surprised. I lifted my head off his shoulder and shook his arm gently. Geeby was sleeping peacefully at my feet while Jinkies was nowhere to be seen. My hand ran over his smooth skull and Geeby raised his muzzle to my touch. Giggling, I stood and walked to the kitchen.

My stomach ached for food so I scavenged the kitchen for food. I never really had explored the kitchen in the times I stayed at the Skelebros' house. Either I was glued to the couch or Papyrus cooked all the meals. The pantry was lined almost completely with an organized range of spaghetti sauces, only a few stray cans of vegetables breaking the pattern.

I checked the cabinets and found only boxed noodles, plates, and bowls. Growling in frustration, I turned towards the fridge and sighed. "I guess I'm down to leftover spaghetti."

I opened the fridge door and my eyes widened. The fridge was duct-taped into section, each with a coloured name to label it. The largest section was labeled in the familiar curly script I recognized to be Papyrus's. It read: Master Chef Papyrus's Master creations. There was tin after tin of leftover spaghetti. It took almost half the fridge. The next section was labeled: Sans.

Only bottles of ketchup...

I gagged, remembering watching Sans drink the stuff like liquor. My eyes retreated to the last label in hope for salvation. My stomach started to sound more like a demon than an organ. It was labeled with the name: Frisk.

I grinned as my eyes finally set on food that was edible. Though Frisk's was the smallest section, it made me happy. I snatched two frozen waffles and a can of Mr. Pub from his section and walked over to the toaster. Geeby looked at the food curiously as I dropped it into the slots and pressed down on the lever. As the waffles toasted, I retrieved a plate and some syrup from farther in the depths of Frisk's section.

As soon as they were out of the toaster, they were on my plate and doused in syrup. I cut off the first piece and put it on my tongue, my stomach instantly silencing. I giggled quietly and ate the first waffle. As I cut into the second, I heard an exaggerated huff. My eyes swept down onto Frisk, tapping his foot and faking a look of immense anger. "Cherry why are you eating my waffles?!" Frisk pouted.

"Because I'm not in the mood for leftover spaghetti and the thought of drinking ketchup makes me gag." I grinned. "You could always join me."

Frisk smiled and hopped on to the seat next to me. I watched as he finished off the second waffle, then facing me with a look of absolute childish joy. I laughed and wiped syrup off his mouth. "I'm gonna go make some more waffles. I don't know about you but I can't run on one waffle."


I walked back to the fridge and decided to cook the rest of the waffles. If we were gonna eat, why not just finish them off? I haven't had waffles in forever anyway.

I popped them into the microwave in rounds of 4, each taking about three minutes to cook. After the third round, the waffles were all done and Frisk bounced in his seat. "I'll go get the others!" He said excitedly.

I didn't bother to stop him, thinking it was about time the others got up anyway. I danced across the tile floor back to the fridge to grab a tub of butter and ketchup for Sans, even if the thought made me sick.

As I retrieved a knife for the butter, I heard a sleeping yawn from behind. I turned to see Blue Bones stretching widely and looking around the kitchen. "Morning Boy Blue." I said, turning back around and closing the drawer.

He grinned at me sleepily before quickly zoning in on the knife sitting lazily in my grip. My mismatched eyes followed his gaze and I felt my face flush. The knife fell on to the counter and I wiped my hand on my jeans. "I'm sorry, that's gotta be weird for someone who's, uh, fought Chara." I said sheepishly.

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