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Gaster looked between us with both curiosity and enjoyment.

"Well this works perfectly. Cherry, I wanted to know if you would take Jace out into the world for the next few days to reacquaint them." Gaster asked.

I chortled and raised a brow. "How long have you had him cooped up?" I asked.

"Two months." Jace interrupted.

My jaw dropped and I sent Gaster a dangerous look. "You've had him locked up for two months and you still didn't tell me?!"

Gaster shrugged. "It never came up."

I rolled my eyes and brushed my hair back from my eyes. I turned and grabbed Jace's sleeve, smiling. "Come on freak. I'm taking you to the best places I know."

I left briskly through the door. Immediately meeting the exit to the void, I shouted a goodbye to Gaster and swung the door open. Jace fell through first, making me laugh. "You're such a klutz, as usual. God, Sans is gonna love you." I chirped.

Jace stood and dusted himself off, sending me a look of annoyance. "Are you talking about the doc's son?" He asked. "How do you know him?"

I laughed quietly and rubbed a hand against the back of my neck. "Yeah, you could say I know him pretty well."

I had decided not to tell him right away that I was in a serious relationship. Last time he'd seen me I had been a nearly emotionless husk. It might be a bit of a shock seeing me suddenly lovey-dovey with the monsters I used to be accused of being.

He followed me, struggling slightly to keep up as I pulled him. Naturally, I made a beeline for my second home, Snowdin. Not knowing if Jace was stable enough for teleportation, I aimed for the scenic route.

He groaned loudly as I led us head on into snowfall. "Wasn't there another way to get wherever we're going. A less snowy way?"

I shook my head smiling, laughing to myself. Soon we were at the doorstep to the Skelebros' home and I was brimming with excitement. Excitedly I pulled my keys from my pocket and twisted them in the lock. Swinging the door open, I saw Sans with his back to the door, watching one of Mettaton's programs.

"I'm home!" I called, pushing Jace into the house with a giggle. "And I brought someone with me."

This peaked Sans' interest. His eye was glowing, but his expression was at piece. Next to the television, the remote was floating in a blue haze. I rolled my eyes but Jace stiffened and threw an arm over me.

"He activated his magic! Stay behind me." Jace ordered.

"Jace no-"

I stopped mid-sentence as a purple magic rippled over Jace. The blue in his hair was pushed to the tips and concentrated into a deep, cobalt color. The roots of his hair blossomed with the original blood red hair that only I and a few others had seen. His fist morphed, becoming malformed and skeletal. The bone bent in an almost sickening way until it fell into a familiar shape of a Gaster Blaster. Fucking Gaster Blaster fists. His magic eye blazed as he stood in front of me protectively.

"Wow Jace! Calm your man tits, Sans was just lifting the remote." I explained, stepping around his arm and pointing to the floating device. "The asshole's too lazy to stand up and get it himself."

Jace's face fell and and his face reddened. "Oh... Uh, right."

His magic started to release and I threw up my hands. "No! Don't revert yet! I wanna look at you."

Jace groaned. "You're not my mother." He complained.

"But I am your sister! Give me your hands."

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