Bedtime Story

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As I had expected and hoped, Geeby was underneath me in seconds, I was straddling the top of his head like I was riding a horse. "Heya Geeby. I need you to take me far away." I said in a calm tone, stroking his head.

Geeby looked at me and back towards the house. "No Geeby. We're not going back. I...... I might hurt one of them." I said quietly.

Geeby pressed his skull onto my hand and encouraged me to pet him. With a giggle, I didn't hesitate. Petting Geeby was as therapeutic as petting a Golden Retriever that thinks it's a lap dog. Geeby sailed over the trees until the cliff was a good distance away. We scanned the area and found a small, treeless plain. As we landed, I grinned. A small cave like canopy of trees that was just right for inhabiting and there was plenty of wood around to make a home. As I neared the location, I looked back at the cliff to see it barely beyond where we were. It was far away and hidden, perfect for their safety.

Geeby nudged my hair and I pet him happily. "Geeby, ya did great."
I said and planted a kiss on his muzzle.

As I inspected the canopy of branches, it seemed to be a surprisingly good base for a small house. I waved Geeby over and grinned. "Do you wanna help mommy build a house?" I asked in a babyish voice.

Geeby nodded its head excitedly and turned, proceeding to bullrush the neighboring trees before I could protest. I laughed as I patted his head. "I didn't mean knock down the forest, but at least we have wood now."

I used my magic and tried to lift the logs, but I had to use Geeby's help with most of it. "Geeby, can you go get something to put in between the logs?
Mud, plaster maybe," I giggled before the next one. "Cement?"

Geeby disappeared and spat mouthfuls of Waterfall dirt before me, I grinned. "Thanks Geeby."

Together we put together a very roughly built, shed sized shelter. It was good enough to last the night but we'd have to actually buy materials if we were going to stay here. I sat within the walls of the poorly made shed and Geeby sat in front of me, a red flame in his mouth to keep me warm. Smiling, I flung my arms around Geeby. "Geeby, you're the best."

Petting him, my stomach gave out a groan and I rolled my eyes. "Stupid human tendencies..." I said jokingly.

Geeby yipped in a cute laughing like way. I opened my pack and pulled out a broken granola bar. Cramming the food into my mouth, I laid down on a small log I was sitting on. After a short nap, I had woken up early due to Chara's 'torture,' I sat up and looked at Geeby.

"I'm going to go get some things. Sorry I can't take you with me." I said quietly.

Geeby yipped and red smoke encompassed him. I watched in amazement as a small skeletal dog came out and jumped on my chest. "Oh my God! Geeby you're adorable!" I said excitedly as I picked him up.

Within the blink of an eye, he was back to normal size and I fell over with a laugh. "Yeah, I guess little Geeby can't carry me to the cliff either."

Geeby flew us to the cliff and shrunk down to the size of dog again. He walked by me as I walked briskly through the forest, trying my best to change how I looked before I got to town. My first stop, Hotlands.

The river guide was already reunited with his/her boat and he/she looked at me with glee. "Cherry, how nice to see you! I got my boat back, would you like a ride?"

I nodded my head and boarded the boat shakily, remembering the last time. "To Hotlands please."

Moments later, we arrived at the Hotlands and I got off. "Thank you very much, how much do I-"

"No charge! I owe you a life debt!"

Hearing the words made me cringe but forced a smile. "Thank you." I said quietly and Geeby nudged my leg. "Goodbye!" I said cheerfully.

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