Grillby's and Gaster

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As I walked home with my hood covering my face, I was fuming in a pool of embarrassment and failure. Geeby trotted next to me happily and Sans was on my other side, Jinkie flanking him. He looked at me and chuckled. "Ya embarrassed?" He teased.

I groaned in response and tightened the strings on my hood. "Can I disappear again please? Or die and resurrect as someone new?"

"Sorry Cherry, but life's not fair."

I faked amusement. "Yeah, life's a fat old bitch that takes a liking to fucking with me."

He jabbed me in the side. "Hey, you're not the only one. Frisk and I can remember all the resets. We're almost as fucked up as you."

I rolled my eyes and put a hand on Geeby's head. As I pet him quietly, I felt Sans grab my arm. "How about we go to Grillby's? He'll be excited to see ya."

I laughed. "He was kinda my first friend here. Yeah, Grillby's sounds good."

Geeby and Jinkies disappeared and I teleported to the bar/grill. My seat, as always, was unoccupied. I sat happily and waited for Sans to catch up. He appeared seconds later in his chair, and Grillby looked over at the two of us.

"Cherry! It's great to see you again!" He moved around the bar and hugged me.

"Hey Grillby! Sorry it's been so long, if you were watching... Mettaton's show.... Uh, yeah."

He waved it off and released me. "What'll it be?" He asked.

"I'll take a plate of fries and some of your time please." I said jokingly.

He laughed. "Coming right up. And you Sans?"

"Just the ketchup Grillbz."

Grillby walked back into the kitchen and I grinned. "I always forget how awesome Grillby is until I see him again."

"Yeah. But he's not exactly the coolest."

I face palmed rolled my eyes. "Why doh?"

"Because you put it out there."

"Sans you're a loser."

He snickered and turned towards the jukebox. "Wanna play some tunes?" He asked.

"I don't have any gold."

"I can handle it."

"Shouldn't you be using your money to pay off your tab or something?"

He shrugged. "I'll get to it."

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone outta my pocket. "I've got a playlist on my phone. Pick a song."

I shoved the phone towards him and he scrolled through the list. "You really aren't picky about your type huh?"

I shrugged. "Never have been. If it sounds good, who gives a damn about the genre."

He tapped on the screen and the song booted up. I recognized the tune of the song. "Really Sans, a song about falling?"

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