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I saw light. Only light. My eyes squinted tightly until light turned into blurs, into vague shapes. I was confused. My head hurt from the bright lights, but I blinked it away. The room was too white. A few blinks later, I could figure out my surroundings. A steady beep filled the still air. I was laying down on the long bed, covered in a pale blue blanket. The walls were all completely white, nothing to break the solid color.

Wires went to and from my arms and chest. I sat up, my headache subsiding to a dull thump, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Carefully, I removed the i-v in my arm. Wincing as the needle fell away from my arms, I turned to remove the wires and pads.

The beeping went flat and I scowled. The sound annoyed me. I stood shakily. My blue garment fell around me, reaching just below my knees. I wobbled towards the only door in the room and swung it open. I needed to find my friends.

"Hello?" I called. My voice was hoarse and quiet, too soft to be heard by normal ears.

As I entered the hall behind the door, I grinned weakly at the appearance of color. Slowly, I made my way down the hall, towards a blue room. It was filled like a waiting room. Simple couches furnished the room, small tables in between the seats were covered in neatly stacked piles of books and magazines. A mini-fridge sat comfortably in the corner of the room. A growl shook me and I laughed.

"A snack couldn't hurt." I said quietly.

I laughed again. "Great, I'm talking to myself. Reset must've made me crazy or something."

I opened the fridge and looked at its contents. It was mostly water bottles, but a few plastic containers sat in the bottom. Not really caring what it was, I grabbed the first container and opened it. Within the container, I found a cold hotdog. Though, usually I wasn't a fan of cold food, my stomach pretty much destroyed my picky spirit. With the hotdog in one hand and a water bottle under my arm, I closed the fridge and sat in one of the chairs.

I ate quickly while staring at the entrance to the room. The hall that I had come from seemed to be the only other exit. "I wonder where everyone is."

I finished the hotdog and sipped gingerly at the water. It was too quiet, so I started to hum as I explored. There were several doors in the hallways, but most of them were just copies of the room I woke up in. As I looked into the fifth copy, I finally heard something that wasn't myself.

"Alphys where is she?"

"I-I don't know! She j-just disappeared!"

"She can't just disappear! Come on, we have to find her."

I rushed out of the room and looked left to right. "Alphys?" I rasped, still too quiet.

I walked towards the room, but I couldn't tell which was mine. "Hello! Alphys? Where are you?"

I couldn't get any louder than a whisper. In frustration I thumped a fist on the wall. The voices fell silent. Forming a plan, I banged my fist on the wall again and again. The shuffling of feet awarded my actions and I watched as a door swung open a few feet in front of me, revealing first Alphys in a pristine white coat then a familiar boney friend.

Within seconds I was held in a bone-crushing embrace. I smiled and wrapped my arms around my attacker. "Hey Sans," I croaked. "Did ya miss me or something?"

Alphys gasped and ran over to us. "Sans gentle! We don't know how stable Cherry is!"

I waved it off to my nerdy little friend. "Some weak legs and scratchy throat ain't gonna stop me." I assured, and turned back to Sans.

He pushed away to look at me, a grin so wide it almost seemed painful. "Kid I thought you flat-lined. Then when you were gone I thought someone kidnapped ya. Don't scare me like that."

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