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For the second night in a row I woke up in Sans' bed. Though Sans wasn't in bed with me, rather in a nearby chair, I still blushed. I needed to get my own place so I could get outta here. Sans snored loudly in his chair and I snickered. Deciding it was as good a time as any to try it, I focused my magic on lifting Sans into the bed. It worked really well up until I almost threw him in the air. Tucking in the blankets before I left, I ran downstairs before my stomach growls woke one of the skeletons up.

According to one of the hanging clocks, it was 2:01AM. I darted into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. There wasn't much choice as to cereal so I went with something called Scary-o's. When I poured it the little cereal pieces were ghost shaped. It was adorable. I poured milk over the cereal and chugged a mouthful from the carton. Call me a monster but I didn't give a damn. I ate as quietly as possible in the kitchen, sitting on a counter.

My stomach was now soothed against the uncomfortable hunger and I sighed in relief. Food was awesome. I should eat it more often. After eating, a renewed energy and inability to go back to sleep drove me to boredom. I sat in an armchair in the living room, Mettaton was using the couch as his bed. I dragged my pack to my chair and looked through the contents. The lack of light frustrated me and I moved watching as my vision in one eye darkened then reappeared. Activate magic.

I walked to the kitchen and put my stuff on the kitchen table. The pie was gone 'I wish I could remember eating it', my cell phone charger was still curled up in a spare pocket, three water bottles, a change of clothing, the stack of drawings from my disappearance, a sketchbook and some well used pencils.

I looked at the stack of pictures carefully. Guilt hung over me as I mulled over my possible goals that led to the images. Many were just copies and angles of Sans and his blue eye, the rest being a mixture of images in my nightmare. On one was a portrait style picture of all of us standing, smiling wide with toothy grins. The other half of the page showed the same image, but all the people around me had red x's over their faces. Papyrus was headless, Sans was crying, it was heartbreaking.

As a tear fell over my eye, a voice made me jump. "You're awake already?"

I looked up at Sans and shoved the papers into my bag. "Oh, good morning Sans."

He shook his head and walked over to me. "What were you looking at? You were crying." He asked.

"It was one tear, not crying."

"It starts with one tear."

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't crying." I said stubbornly. "Only SEVERE severe severe pain, Marley and Me, certain book deaths, really cute romancey endings and FairyTail can make me cry."

He sat on the side with my bag and snatched it from my reach. "Hey!" I cried as he laughed.

"Quiet before you wake Papyrus." He teased and I growled at him.

"Don't go through my bag! I have private stuff in there!" I complained.

"Well then it won't be private anymore."

He opened it and pulled out the papers. Before he got a good look, I saw the same black screen over my left eye and I looked again to see the papers well above Sans reach, outlined in black energy. Sans chuckled and looked at me. "You're getting better with your powers." He praised as his blue started to take over my black. "But my magic's still better than yours."

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