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I woke up slowly, my head throbbing, but my body aching for movement. My vision was blurred and I felt confused. As my vision focused, I saw Sans sleeping next to me comfortably. I squeaked and looked down at myself in a moment of panic. Luckily, I was, in fact, clothed.

Memories filled my head as I recalled the previous night's events. Moving slowly, I tried to move away from Sans, but I felt his arm around my waist tug me back. I looked and saw his arm firmly curled around me, like he was trying to protect me. Sighing, I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

My thoughts swam with confusion as I mulled over my memories. I had been crying in the middle of my room, Gaster was outside the bars yelling words to me I couldn't understand. And then a blink later I was in the living room of the skelebros house. My eye was glowing again when I landed but I didn't remember trying to use my magic. It was all wrong, right?

A grunt pulled me away from my thoughts and I saw Sans open his eyes. He didn't seem to notice me until a few moments later when I sneezed. "Cherry?" He said, then remembered what happened. "Oh yeah. I forgot."

I snickered. "Clearly."

I looked at his arm around me and I blushed. "Um, Sans?"

"Yeah?" He said with a tired voice.

"Your arm..."

He looked down and light blue dusted his face. "Oh, sorry kid."

I sat up facing the opposite wall to the bed. My legs dangled over the edge and Sans shifted so he was sitting next to me. My shoulders slumped and I looked at my legs, trying to avoid Sans' eyes. His cold hand covered mine and I jumped. He chuckled. "I didn't know you were part Froggit. You're so jumpy."

I rolled my eyes at his lame joke and balled my hands into loose fists. I felt Sans' eyes slide over me and I looked to see him examining what he could see of my damaged side. Shifting so he could see me better, I crossed my legs and turned towards him, still looking downwards. An audible intake of breath made me glance at Sans. His eyes looked over my scratches and cut all along my left side.

"You did that to yourself?" He asked.

Not wanting to risk scaring him away, telling him it was a fight against the kid in my head, I merely nodded. I swirled my thumbs around each other, waiting for Sans to speak. Again, I flinched when he started to run his boney hand over the marks, some already scarring over. A weak smile cracked my face, though my downturned head made it invisible to Sans.

At least I won... I thought dully.

"Won what?" Sans asked and I gasped quietly. I didn't know I had spoken out loud.

"I-It's nothing Sans. I don't want you to worry about it. " I murmured.

I heard Sans groan and I giggled. His hand pulled at my chin, trying to raise my face enough to examine it, but I didn't want him to see my monstrous eye. I yanked my chin away and pushed the hair over the left side of my face, then turned my face. Sans sighed.
"Cherry, we both know that's not what I'm looking at." He said quietly.

I shook my head and covered the eye. "I don't want you to see it. It's monstrous."

Sans laugh. "Kid, we're in the Underground. You're surrounded by monsters."

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