New Old Friends

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Two months later...
I took a deep breath and summoned Gaster's door to me. Standing alone in Waterfall had always been so relaxing, but it always annoyed me how I just HAD to be here for Gaster's door to appear. I understand that examining me and helping develop experiments for identifying and modifying humans was important work, but I hated working in the void. It always felt like the cold black space would swallow me whole.

I knocked twice then entered, glancing at my phone as I entered. "I'm here Gaster! What's in the schedule today?" I asked, not moving my eyes from the screen of my smartphone. A rush of wind blew my hair and Gaster's melted figure reconstructed in front of me. I tossed my phone in my panic, caught it, returned it to my packet, and then waved.

"Hey Gaster. So is it physical or magical examination today? Because my legs are really sore right now from a marathon I did yesterday and I don't want to be lifting weights today."

He laughed and shook his head. "No examinations today. Instead, I want you to meet someone else I've been working with. I believe you'll like them."

I raised a brow and followed him as he led me through the void. "You actually found a willing volunteer? I thought everyone got scared away by the time they found out you worked in the void."

He looked at me curiously. "Is the void really so frightening?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Can't ask me. I don't feel fear like most humans. Just because I claimed myself a soul and constructed emotions, they're only based on what I imagined the emotions to be like. Fear, for me at least, has always seemed more dull than most."

Gaster sighed and the void finally morphed into the familiar setting of his lab. I hopped up on to a counter and looked at Gaster. "Okay Gaster, who's the newbie? What's their story?"

He smiled at me and faced my gaze. "I found a human male willing to undergo enhancement experiments."

My eyes widened and I stood quickly. "What?! Gaster you know how dangerous it is for human souls to be tampered with! I didn't have one, I'm a different case."

He only laughed. "Calm down Cherry, you should meet him before you make any wild assumptions."

I opened my mouth to protest, but quickly fell silent. Curiosity ruled my actions as he pushed open a door, revealing a new room. It looked similar to the checkup room in a normal doctor's office, but instead it held a bed with a new person strapped to it. They snoozed lightly, unaware we had entered. Gaster motioned for quiet as I followed him.

I took a good look at him and furrowed my brow. Something about him seemed, familiar. I couldn't place the meaning of it. He had hair dyed blue, but fading quickly. His hair was combed in a sweep over his left eye. His flushed skin seemed almost fluorescent and skeletal in the white overhead light. He wore a purple vest over a t-shirt with pressed slacks and bare feet, at least bare for the moment. I vaguely remembered how Gaster had a thing about dragging dirt around on shoes.

His limbs were strapped down, but he looked at ease. Gaster shook him slightly and his groaned.

"I don't wanna wake up."

Gaster sighed and started to undo the straps of the table. "Get up anyway. I want you to meet someone."

"Who is so important that you have to wake me up? I was having a good nap." He groaned.

I laughed, shifting my weight to one hip and propping a hand on my other. "He's less of a morning person than I am." I snickered.

The boy seemed to perk up at the sound of my voice. His eye opened and I sucked in a short breath. No, I didn't finally remember him. But I saw an effect of Gaster's experiments, that's what surprised me. Some magic seemed to be constantly emmitted from his right eye, but it looked normal.

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