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I tapped my knuckles against the door and seconds later, Frisk was there, swinging the door open. His grin was wide and glimmering as he ushered me in. "Hey Cherry! I'm so glad you're here, I'm about to put my costume on."

I smiled and ruffled Frisk's hair. "Well go put it on, ya little nugget."

He giggled at the name and rushed away. Toriel peered at me from around a corner and beckoned me inside. Her current home seemed to be a bigger version of her home in the Underground. Two floors, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, one large kitchen, laundry room, attic and basement. The color scheme was even the same, with small golden flowers every so far. They reminded me of Flowey, but I didn't say anything.

Frisk occupied one of the rooms. His room was painted purple with four-point stars painted on the walls in white. A loft was pressed against the left side of the opposite wall and a desk sat beneath it. Bookshelves lined the walls full of many different albums, books, small art projects and treasures. Toriel's room was a neutral beige with not much in it. A queen sized bed (haha, joke >.<) was in the center of the back wall with small dressers on both sides. There was a portrait hanging on the wall opposite to the bed and pictures took almost all of the space on the walls. Some were of Toriel's first children, but most were from the things we had all done together. My own room was a dark navy blue with white designs curling around all of the walls. I painted on the walls daily with a small brush, meaning my room was forever changing. I had a small dresser for my small amount of clothing. My bed was a normal twin size, with blue pillows and blue blankets. I had a singular bookshelf with my old sketchbook and I few souvenirs from my time on the surface. A picture of mynmom and dad, my old sketchbook 'nothing missing but beaten by the time it was left to the elements', my pack, a pile of my drawings and the damned knife that put me in this situation. It was wrapped tightly in clothes and stored with the blade toward the wall, so no one could fall on its blade by accident. A window was always open in my room, the room heated and cooled by the breeze and natural light always illuminated the room.

Toriel led me into the living room, painted a warm blue, and sat me in front of the fireplace. "Hello child, I did not expect you so early! The snacks aren't even done yet."

I snickered and put a hand on my mother's. "It's fine mom, I'm not that hungry right now anyway."

Toriel's expression scrunched in worry. It was a well known fact that my HP was already so low and I didn't really take care of myself. The others would always push me to be healthier when they were around but when they weren't, I did nothing to save myself.

We sat and talked about my progress at the lab. Obviously I lied to her with a smile on my face, and she believed me. Toriel trusted that I was getting better, and that's all I wanted. Not her pity. An alarm went off and Toriel jumped from her seat. "That's the pie! I'll go fetch you a piece."

"Doesn't it have to cool first?" I asked.

"That was the alarm for the cooling dear, right now my cinnamon-butterscotch pie is warm and gooey but not too hot, so as to burn you."

"Thanks mom."

She ruffled my hair and left me to my two dogs. As I stood to let the dogs relax by the fire, I heard small feet  patter against the wood floors and an excited voice called out, "Cherry! Where are you?"

"Living room Frisk!" I responded.

The steps drew closer and I smiled as Frisk arrived. He wore a white tunic with some golden rope acting as a belt. A yellow flower crown circled his head and he smiled. His part wasn't big in the play, a shopkeeper in Ancient Greece, but he seemed so happy about it.

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