Accepting Fate

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I awoke suddenly, not by dream or noise though. There hadn't been a sliver of a dream, but something tugged me to consciousness, like launching me in a sling shot. My body lurched into a sitting position and my heart was pounding.

I surveyed the room with my mismatched orbs in confusion. The bed itself was a race car and the room was neat and orderly, quite the contrast to waking in a room with at least some thrown around clutter.

My headache had disappeared but I was dizzy. I put a hand out to study myself in the dim light, yelping when I made contact with bone. Suddenly the lights were on and I had a certain skeleton swinging me in the air. "NYEH HEH HEH! CHERRY HAS AWOKEN!" Papyrus cheered, hugging me tightly.

"Hey Paps, gentle please. Still dizzy." I croaked with a rough voice.

Footsteps reached the door and it swung open. Frisk's face peered into the room and lit up. "Cherry! You're awake."

Papyrus out me down on the bed slowly and Frisk jumped on to my lap, hugging my midsection. "Hey Li'l' Nugget." I smiled politely.

The last one to appear was Sans, suddenly teleporting next to me. I jumped as he appeared, covering my mouth so I didn't yelp. "How long was I out?" I asked.

"Only three hours, but before that you were missing an hour." Frisk informed me.

"An hour? But it only felt like ten minutes..." I said, resting my chin on the top of Frisk's head.

Papyrus frowned at me with sad eyes. "You meant to leave?" He asked glumly.

"What?! No no no... You misunderstand." I quickly recovered. "I-"

"Papyrus, I need to talk to Cherry a moment." Sans cut in.


"It'll only be a moment. I would say don't sweat it, but you're a skeleton."

Frisk snickered and took Papyrus' hand. "Come on Papyrus, let's go watch MTT."


They closed the door behind them and Sans sat beside me. There was silence until I broke the silence. "So, this is Papyrus' room?" I asked.

Sans didn't respond. Another minute of quiet. I was staring at my hands, not sure what to say. Suddenly two arms clasped around me tightly and I almost fell over. Sans was hugging me. The action surprised me, but I hugged back. "It's okay Sans, I'm okay." I reassured.

"Don't give me that shit." Sans growled, sitting up. "Do you even remember what happened when you came back?"

I nodded and looked away sheepishly. "I remember most of it."

Sans sighed and put a hand over mine, like he had on Mettaton's show. "Please, tell me what happened." He asked, quietly.

I didn't look at him, but I recited what had happened, breaking once I got to Gaster's solution. "S-Sans, so far... there's only one solution..." My voice cracked as I spoke.

My hands were curled into fists and tears reappeared on my face. I couldn't help it, I've been crying a lot more since I came to the Underground. "Sans, if I want to get rid of Chara, for good so no one else has to suffer their control, I have two destroy the things that link them to this world."

"What are those?" He asked, oblivious to my tear's hints.

"I have to destroy the object and the vessel." I said quietly. "The object they held most dearly, Chara's blade, and the vessel that houses their spirit.... me."

Sans froze and looked at my shaking form. The thought terrified me, of dying or killing my friend. A phrase came to mind and I laughed weakly, looking at Sans. "Flowey was right Sans, it's either kill or be killed. Or at least for me it is. There hasn't been another solution found in all this time to get rid of Chara."

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