Back to Town

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P.o.V. Sans
I watched Cherry as she buried her face into my jacket and sobbed. It broke my heart to see her so, broken. Chara was back and it was ready to break us down using Cherry, even if it destroyed her.

I pet her hair softly and let her cry on me for a couple minutes.  "Chara showed me everything..." She said softly. "He showed me my worst fears, my nightmares, my memories with new enhanced fear..."

"Then let me help you Cherry, let me help you get over Chara and back with us." I sounded like I was pleading.

Cherry pushed me away and attempted to smile. "Watch over them, okay? Don't let anyone die while I'm gone." She said quietly.

I reached out as she vanished, barely missing her as she teleported. Anger laced throughout me and I felt like I needed to break something. I need to get Chara out of Cherry's head. We all knew she wouldn't let us help her, so we'll have to trick her into it. I pulled out my phone and dialed Alphys. "S-Sans? What's up? Didn't you j-just leave?"

"I just saw Cherry. We... spoke, sorta. I don't think we're gonna find her without help."

"We'll try our best Sans, don't worry!"

"Let me explain..."
P.o.V. Cherry
I woke up with my eyes nearly swollen shut and my hair resembling a rat's nest. I grabbed two small things of shampoo and conditioner and walked to one of the bathrooms.

The house was cold due to a few holes in the roof but that was today's goal, fix the house. Geeby followed at my heels until I locked him out of the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was actually appalled. I looked like a circus freak gone wrong, like a sad clown's rejected cousin.

I turned the knob for hot warm and watched as it started to pour, despite there not being a real water source. Gotta love magic. Steam filled the room and I stripped away my clothes, replacing them with a towel as the shower heated up. I heard whimpers outside the door and I opened it to look at my black-boned friend. He sat by himself at the door, waiting for me to come out. I sighed and copied Geeby's image in my magic. Another Gaster Blaster appeared, looking dazed as if not expecting to be summoned. I grinned at the two and said happily, "Okay Geeby, stop being a bum and play with your brother. I'll name him, Jinkies!"

The blaster looked at me then Geeby, and lunged at Geeby, making the house shake. "Hey! Don't knock the house down while I'm in here!"

Rolling my eyes, I closed the door and stepped into the shower. Layers of dirt and grime fell off of my skin and the scent of cherry blossom shampoo filled the air. I massaged the conditioner into my hair when I heard a door slam.

"Hey! If you're going to roughhouse, do it in dog form!"

The banging continued and I growled. Wrapping a towel around me, I stamped out of the bathroom and looked around the living room. "Can you st-"

My eyes fell on a pair of monsters in black ski masks. Their eyes widened at the sight of me in a towel and they dropped my pack. My temper flared and I got the familiar blindness in my left eye. "You have 3 seconds to drop my stuff and leave." I growled.

The bigger of the two, probably one of the monsters that likes to flex, laughed and sized himself to me. "And what are you gonna do when you're not even dressed properly?"

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