Knock Knock

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Frisk was pulling me the entire way back to Snowdin. I was prohibited from teleportation until Alphys gave me the complete okay on my condition. That also meant I couldn't teleport with Sans or even summon my bonehead dogs. The river guide was happy to give us a ride from the Hotlands so it was shorter than I thought.

I put my feet in the water as the boat sailed smoothly. Papyrus, Sans and Frisk were the only people who rode with me, the others not wanting to overload it. Frisk kicked in the water with me while Sans snoozed behind us. Papyrus spoke happily to the guide as we went along.

Giggling, Frisk splashed the water around, getting some on me. "Watch it Frisk, them's fightin' splashes." I teased in a mock western accent.

He looked at me a moment, and giggled, kicking more water at me. I peered at the child through merciless eyes and stripped away my jacket. Throwing it on Sans, I cupped my hands and threw it at Frisk. He squealed as the water hit my mark and his sweater was soaked. Retaliating quickly, he scooped his own hands in the water and soaked me.

Sans watched passively as we fought valiantly with handfuls of water. "Heh, you two are aware we're going to Snowdin right?" He said nonchalantly.

"What of it?" I asked.

He grinned. "The water's gonna freeze to ya." He said simply and closed his eyes.

Frisk stopped splashing instantly. "Oh," he whispered. "Well then..."

I snickered and pulled him away from the water. "Don't sweat it Nugget, I won't let ya freeze."

He smiled at me and put his head on my lap. The boat arrived soon after, and Frisk walked wobbly off. I rolled my eyes and took my jacket from Sans, wrapping it securely around Frisk. "Cherry, I don't need it. Take your jacket." Frisk chattered.

"It's fine Frisk. I barely feel the cold anyway. You need it more than me." I replied.

The part about me not feeling the cold was a blatant lie. It was so cold my hair was freezing in place. But despite the cold bite, I bundled Frisk tightly and hoisted him up on to my hip. He tried wiggling away but couldn't get out of my grasp. "Cherry, you suck." Frisk pouted.

I grinned at him. "Yeah, I do."

He rolled his eyes and let me carry him. I shook from the cold but my steady walk from the river to the house covered it easily. About halfway, I felt something fall on my shoulders and then wrapped around my neck. I looked down and saw Sans's jacket over my shoulders with Papyrus's red scarf wrapped around my neck.

I sent the two an appreciative look and continued the trip home with considerably less shivers. As soon as the door to the house opened, I was met with a blast of heat. I sighed immediately and plopped Frisk into a car, I myself falling on to the couch.

"Cherry, I thought you weren't cold?" Frisk said, gesturing towards the coat and scarf.

"I lied."

"But now I feel guilty!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and twisted around on the couch so my head hung off the edge and my legs went over the back of it.

"HUMAN! YOU ARE SITTING WRONG!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"No, you've just been doing it wrong." I countered. "Right Frisk?"

I looked at Frisk and he smiled. Flipping in his chair, he now mimicked my position. "Yeah Papyrus, I've just been sitting like that to make it easier for you."

Sans looked at us and chuckled. "I guess they got ya bro."


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