Encounter with Chara

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There hadn't been lava within the small volcano, thankfully, but when you grabbed the rock it was the equivalent of accidentally placing your hand on a hot burner after you've turned it off. Then holding it there.

My hand immediately swelled, leaving my left hand unusable and my right hand hot enough to cook on. I was careful not to fall as I got to the other end of the bridge. A water cooler sat conveniently at the end of the bridge, as if to say, 'Welcome to Earth's equivalent to Hell! Better grab some water before you dive into the flaming pools of judgement! All that we wish for in exchange is your soul!'

I walked over to the cooler and used my less firey-hot hand to fill a cup with water. It was surprisingly cold considering the environment. I dumped it lightly over my hand, a scream ripping my throat as the slight pressure of water falling out, setting my tender nerves in a frenzy. Though after the stinging, the cold water had an affect on my hand.

I repeated the process before opening my pack with one hand and searching for something to use. Toriel had packed me a first aid kit thankfully. I took out a roll of gauze and burn ointment. I applied it gingerly, not without a few tears, however. The ointment was almost gone by the time I had finished. Wrapping the gauze took forever with one hand but I accomplished the task swiftly.

With my left hand bandaged, right hand still cooling and a sweatshirt actually become a sweat shirt, I decided to exchange one layer for another. With my right hand, I carefully peeled the sweatshirt off and fished the sweater from the pack. It was a sweater but I'd stretched the stitches so far over time the sweater was better at venting heat than retaining it. A drink of water later and I was walking again, my eyes set on a building labeled Lab in the distance.

The lab wasn't too far so I didn't have to walk long. My hand didn't take long to start throbbing again. With my good hand I knocked lightly at the door. It opened almost immediately. I almost landed face first in the building.

The lab was sleek and brimming with tech. A cluttered mess of books and notes reminded me of the library back home. Well, more like a 'bring back my book before you die' kinda place that didn't track its stuff.

From an escalator I saw a familiar face descend, her eyes trained on my hand. It was the same person from Undyne's house, the scientist.

"Hello," I said quietly and waved, "sorry to intrude but..."

She scurried up to me and grinned shakily. "H-Hey Cherry. You probably don't remember me, but I-I'm Alphys. I'm Undyne's girlfriend."

I nodded to show her I remembered. She made a 'give me' motion toward my left hand, her eyes worried and nervous. "Oh god Cherry, your hand is bad. Follow me."

Alphys left before I could ask why it was so bad. All I could do was follow. She led me to a room with a large glass tube and wall upon wall of gauges and switches. I set my bag down and headed towards the tube. Alphys pressed a button and it opened to me.

"P-Please step inside. I can use this i-invention to help heal your hand." Alphys explained.

I raised a brow. "What's the catch? Has it been tested?" I asked.

She rubbed a hand against her head and she looked down. "W-Well no, but I'm v-very confident it will work."

I nodded to her and stepped into the tube, ready for whatever. It hadn't been long since I met Alphys. In fact, I've known her a grand total of half an hour now, but I felt like she knew more about me than I, her. She checked several gauges and adjusted a few dials before pressing the magic button. A tingling sensation filled my body.

My left hand felt like it was sizzling and I hissed in discomfort. Pain in the wound increased as the process continued until I couldn't bear the pain and a cry rippled out from me. This machine was making the healing process occur over ten times faster, but the accelerated time put strain on my already damaged nerves. Another cry broke loose. Alphys winced this time.

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