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My eyes opened again and I was standing in a sea of white. It was like the void's polar opposite. "Hello?" I called. "Mom! Dad!"

"Turn around." A kind voice cooed.

I turned quickly and saw them both. My mom stood, smiling at me with tearful eyes, my father just grinning. No longer in ice, I could see the little details. My mom's red hair matched my own, though faded by time. Her eyes looked like shimmering emeralds and her skin was pale like mine. Her slim form was dressed in a layered white dress that stopped around her ankles, her feet bare. My father had dirty blonde hair and winking blue eyes. He was considerably more tan than either me or my mother and much taller. He also wore white. A plain t-shirt and loose fitting pants, also with bare feet. A tear slid down my cheek and I barreled toward my parents, wrapping them both in my embrace.

"Mom! Dad!" I cried. "I'm so happy to see you guys again."

My mom snickered. "Well it has been some time, hasn't it?"

Dad grinned and picked me up. "Geez Lil' Nugget, you're all grown up. I wish I could've seen it." He cooed.

I choked back a sob, replacing it with silent tears and a grin. "Yeah I have, Dad. I wish you could've been there too."

Mom looked at me. "We've been watching over you Cherry. To be honest, I'm a little glad we weren't there." She admitted. "I don't think your father or I would've been as accepting of the monsters as you."

I laughed. "They grow on you, I know." I then realized. "So you were there at dinner?" I asked my mom.

She nodded. "Yep. The goat-woman, Toriel, she was so happy when you woke up. I think you found yourself a second mother." She snickered.

"She'll never replace you mom." I reassured, and stepped back to look at both of them. "How are you guys even here?"

"Someone from around here came and got us. Odd little monster he was. Scared the shit outta your mother and I." Dad joked.

"What'd he look like?" I asked.

"Like a fucked up Skeleton..." Dad said shortly.

"Chris!" My mom gasped. "Language."

I laughed. "Mom, I've said worse."

"I know." She muttered, smacking me upside the head.

"Okay, okay. I deserve that." I admitted.

"You deserve a lot more than that! But we've only got limited time."

My face fell. "What?"

"Well you didn't think this would be forever did you? We couldn't take you away from your new life." Dad said.

"Oh, yeah. So I guess this is a one time thing, huh." I replied, sadness gripping my words.

My gaze fell downwards and my mom wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, baby, don't cry. We're not leaving you entirely. We'll always be watching over you when you need it."

I sniffled. "I miss you guys." I mumbled.

Dad hugged me and my mother. "We miss you too Cherry, but do us a favor and don't die until it's right. You need to go live your life."

I nodded solemnly. "How long do we have?" I asked.

"Here, about three minutes now. Time moves slower in this place than yours."

I growled. "That sucks!" I hissed.

They both laughed. "You look so cute when you're mad." Dad cooed.

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