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For those of you wanting to know more about Jace, take a look at the one-shot that's been published. His creator wrote it and I edited it.
"Mettaton please nnnnnnoooooo," I pled. "I don't feel like being on television today."

"Well too bad darling~ Your brother Jace here is making his debut and you doing his introduction would give him that extra zing he needs to launch his career as a star!" Mettaton said excitedly.

"What if he doesn't want to be a star?!" I countered.

"Well then he can do what you do and avoid the press!" Mettaton chirped.

"But that's a hastle!"

"It's too late now dearie! I already have an idea!"

I groaned and went limp in my struggles to free myself. My blue eyes raised to Jace and I smiled apologetically. He shrugged nonchalantly, like he could give even less of a fuck. Then again, I was always the more squeamish one.

It was merely minutes when we arrived at the building where they shot the show. Mettaton shoved us backstage and rushed off, shouting directions to random workers as they bustled around. For me it was awful, like the first time I was ever backstage.

When Mettaton was out of sight, I smiled mischievously and grabbed Jace's arm. "Follow me, I know where a nearby cafe is."

Jace raised a brow. "Aren't we about to go on set?" He asked.

I waved a hand submissively. "Mettaton's got my number. He'll text me if we're late. And I can teleport so... let's go."

Jace let me pull him away from the hive of buzzing workers and towards the spider cafe. As we entered the web-covered place, I noticed new sets of tables and chairs, and a line of customers. They didn't seem to notice me but just to be sure I pulled my hood over my face.

I could see Muffet rushing around behind a display case of goodies, switching between the register and passing out orders. Her spider family was in the kitchen making sweets for sale.

A heart-warming scent filled the air and I inhaled deeply. It was so familiar yet I couldn't quite catch a memory of where I'd smelled it before. It was almost as comforting as catching wind of mom's pie. Chocolate, among other scents. Jace seemed to recognize it as well but neither of us could quite tell.

As we appeared at the front of the line, I greeted Muffet warmly. "Heya Muffet. Buisness is booming, huh? What'd ya do while I was out?"

Muffet turned and looked at my face, her multitude of eyes widening with happy nostalgia. "Oh, Cherry! I was wondering when you'd come visit my little cafe again!"

She leaned over the counter and gave me a brief hug, then turning to Jace. "Whose your friend?" She asked.

"This is Jace. He's my adoptive brother."

A wide grin covered her face and a wispy laugh whistled from her lips. "Hue Hue Hue, well it's a pleasure to meet you! You certainly are the colorful character."

Jace smiled and offered his hand. "Thanks. I'm glad you like it."

I elbowed Jace with a sly smirk. "Okay Hot shot, stop flirting so I can get my sweet tooth fixed."

Muffet's attention perked and she pulled me to the side. "Looking for some sweets, huh? Wait here and I'll get you the new menu item, on the house, for helping so much to improve my cafe."

I smiled. "Thanks Muffet!"

Quickly, Muffet rushed away and vanished into the kitchen, a collection of spider taking over the counter. "What'd you do?" He asked.

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