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I sat in between my two boys as they conversed easily. On the television Mettaton talked happily about an array of current events but my mind remained within itself, reviewing my life from my new perspective. I often found myself doing it. My entire world had changed so much in the past year. I'd been through so many things, met so many people, felt so many things...

A silent grin stretched across my face, summoning memories of my childhood, before the incident. My parents were always smiling and laughing. They treated me like a princess, and raised me like one too. I didn't have many friends, outside of Jace of course. Jace was my unofficial adoptive brother. Him being a ginger only made us closer. He'd always been a bit more adventurous than me, though we both tended to slip into trouble.

When we'd get into fights, it was usually me that started them, being the Smartass I was. My smart mouth got us into tight situations all too often. I'd always take and deliver the first of the blows, but Jace always stepped in. It'd be a miracle if he didn't come out of them with at least one new scar.

My mind dug further and further back, reclaiming memories from as far back as when I painted a fridge with peanut butter at the age of two. Suddenly, my mind clicked and an influx of memories were accessible to me. They weren't my memories though. My consiousness left my body and I plunged into my mind. My chest filled with a cold feeling of fear. In these foreign memories, I was alone.

Alone once again. I looked around and found myself once again amongst the bed of golden blooms that rested below the entrance of the underground. Pillars surrounded me and I furrowed my brow.

"Why am I back here?" I muttered.

A child's sobbing broke the air as if cued by my question. I turned my head and saw a child lying in the middle of the flowers. She laid face down, crying. Auburn hair fell from her head in waves and she wore a tattered sweater with shorts and worn tennis shoes. Recognition registered and I flinched away. Her name spilled over my lip in a hushed tone.


Sobbing, the child seemed so fragile and defenseless. It was the same feeling one had when they held a newborn, wanting to protect them. Two reactions battled within me: helping the child or leaving her to suffer. After her actions, I felt she deserved it, but she was just a child.

I spoke, words coming out in a hiss of irritation. "Why are you crying? Shouldn't you be off ruining someone's head?"

She continued to cry, not even flinching at my words. "Come on Chara! We both know I hate it when you play the innocent act!"

Chara tried to get up, but her arm was hurt and she gave out a cry. Another sob racked her and the fight within me got more intense. "Speak to me dammit! Quit with the hurt shit! You've died a million times, you've handled worse!"

I started to approach her but froze as a voice echoed through the chamber. "Hello? Is someone there? I hear crying."

My eyes widened as I looked to the entrance. "No, don't come in here! She's dangerous! She-"

A head peered around the doorway of the room, and my breath fell short. The furry head of the goat child I'd only ever seen in photos now surveyed the room. He wore the same yellow and green sweater as in his photos, white fur matching his parents.

"Asriel?! But how- Does Toriel know?"

He saw Chara and gasped. "Oh my God! Are you okay?!" He cried, running to the child.

I ran to block his path but I was met with a horrible truth. As I started to speak, Asriel walked right through me, my body moving around his like a mist. I shuddered, turning around to look at the two.

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