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As soon as I had gotten back on my journey, I was in a better mood. No moody skeleton to try his annoying in-your-face tough guy tactic on me. It was quite relaxing. But I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I walked, the underground was full of interesting and beautiful things and places. It took all my will not to pick every single echo flower and craft a crown from them. And the urge to draw it all didn't help.

I missed my sketchbook now. Up till now, I hadn't realized how so. Every monster seemed so unique and interesting, every place so new and beautiful. This was an artist's nightmare. I drove me to a point I was ready to start carving stray pieces of wood to satisfy my urge.

The urge was almost too much by the time I got to Napstablook's house. I considered visiting but decided against it. Instead I followed a new noise from that area. I peered around a corner and into a plot of land previously occupied by scorched remains. A house stood brand new in its place, a fish-type likeness to it. Inside I heard people speaking and laughing. It looked like one was an average-sized person, a long ponytail hanging from their head and flaps extending from their face. The other was a shorter monster, its silhouette making it appear to be a dinosaur.

My common sense told me to stay away, but an idea came across my mind and my legs were carrying me before I knew they were. The only thought driving me was, "Maybe they'll have something to draw with."

I couldn't stop my overexcited movement as I tapped the door lightly in a polite knock. As the door open, I found the person from before wasn't actually a person. It was a fish-type monster with a gnarly, toothy grin.

"What?" She said.

A pang of annoyance rang in my chest at her lack of manners. Then again, I was at her door asking for a pen.

"Well, uh- Hi. I wanted to know if you had a pen or something. Maybe a sharpie?"

She eyed me suspiciously and opened the door a little wider to look at me. The face of her companion appeared in a small space. She was a shy-looking type with glasses and an awkward kind of aura. It reminded me of the mouse girl back in the surface.

"Why?" She asked.

I scratched my head and looked down at my twitching fingers. "I'm suffering from a drawing withdrawal. I haven't drawn anything in days and I need to draw something before I go crazy. Please. I don't need paper or anything. If you just had a pen to spare that would be awesome."

After a moment, the woman opened the door more. She motioned me in and I stood just within the home. For a house built overnight, it was beautiful. I got a better look at the two this time. The fish-lady had blue skin and yellow eyes. An eyepatch covered her right eye. Her hair was bright red and the flaps on her face were fins or gills of some sort.

The dinosaur looking one had a yellow complection and stood with little confidence. She twiddled her thumbs nervously. She wore a white lab coat and a thin pair of glasses. It didn't take long for the fish-lady to come back with a black sharpie in hand.

"Will this work?" She asked.

I nodded excitedly and accepted the sharpie. "Thank you so much for the help." I said giddily. "This is perfect."

She shooed me out the door with a sly grin. "Okay, move along. Me and my girlfriend have anime to marathon."

I laughed and looked at their collection of anime. "Start with FairyTail. It's my favorite."

As I turned to leave, the fish-lady called out after me. "Hey, my name's Undyne. Ya ever need an anime marathon, give me a holler."

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks again!"

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