How You Met Him (Han)

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"Going somewhere Solo? " I heard a familiar voice say in the corner of the room with some other guy.

I looked up from my glass I was drinking out of and looked at the two men sitting across from one another.

One of them was Greedo, a Bounty Hunter I was working with for Jabba, to find Solo. Funny how he was sitting there all along, and I didn't see him.

"Yes Greedo, as a matter of fact, I was going to see your boss. Tell Jabba that I've got his money, " he said, propping his feet up on the table.

Greedo clicked his blaster. "It's too late. You should have paid Jabba when you had the chance. Jabba's put a price on your head so large, that every Bounty Hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you. I'm lucky I found you first, " he snickered, shifting around in his seat.

Han rolled his eyes. "Yeah but I've got the money. "

"If you give it to me, I might forget I found you. "

"I don't have it with me. Tell Jabba-"

Greedo interuppted him. "Jabba's through with you. He has no time for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser. "

Han sat up, give Greedo a deadly look. "Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice? " Slowly, under the table, he started to pull out his gun, resting it beside his knee, getting it ready.

Greedo chuckled. "You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your ship. "

"Over my dead body. "

"That's the idea. I've been looking forward to killing you for a long time. "

"Yes I bet you'll have. "

Suddenly out of no where, in a blinding flash, a gunshot went through the air, going straight to Greedo.

My guess, Han shot him. No body wanted that bloody thing alive.

Before Han could leave, I got up from my seat and went over and sat across from Han, pulling my blaster out and holding it in front of him.

He rolled his eyes. "Now what do you want? "

I removed my bandana from my mouth, revealing my face, and removing my Bounty Hunter helmet, making my hair flow out.

I got straight to the point. "Where's your money Han, if you don't have it with you? "

Han smirked, and leaned forward and sat up right. "Now why would a pretty lady like you be looking for me? "

"I don't have time to flirt Han. Now tell me where the money is. Jabba doesn't have time," I told him.

"You sure? Because I have plenty of time to do that with a pretty lady like you. "

My cheeks turned red from embarrassment. Or was it a blush? I shook my head and continued to point my blaster at him.

"Han. Tell me where you have the money so I can report it to Jabba."

He chuckled. "Look, I don't have the money right now. I'm going to get it though. Those people who just left are giving me 17,000 credits. I'll have Jabba's money in no time. "

I gave him an evil eye. "I'm watching you Solo. "

He smiled. "And I'm watching you, Princess. "

I got up and shoved my blaster down in its holster. "My name's (Y/N). Not Princess. "

Han shrugged. "I'll just call you what I wanna call you. "

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