He Cheats (Finn)

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It was your guy's monthly anniversary, since you haven't reached that year point yet, but you were getting close. It was ten months, and you were going to go home and celebrate it with him. You picked up a few flowers, and a new jacket for Finn, hoping he would really like it.

Finally you arrived at your house you both stayed in, unlocking the door with your key card, then stepping inside. You hummed happily, awaiting to see your boyfriend of ten months. You went into the kitchen to wrap up your presents, and you placed the flowers in a vase, humming a cheery tune. You placed your key card on the counter, then you decided to slip into something more comfortable so you started to walk to your bedroom, but you stopped when you heard someone.

You smiled, knowing it was Finn, the boyfriend who you knew and loved. He was a sweetheart, you don't know where you would be without him.

"Finn! Happy ten month anniversary! Come on out handsome I have a surprise for you, " you sing-songed, turning around to walk back to the gift table, until you heard a moan.

What was that? In confusion, you twisted the door handle, swinging it open, to find Finn pinning some girl up against the wall!

You gasped in utter disarray. "Finn? What-what are you doing with this... Girl?" you asked trying to be strong, not letting tears slip from your eyes. It was clear, he was cheating on you, but you wanted to hear the answer from Finn himself.

"I was uh... We were waiting for you to come back home," he said nervously. "(Y/N) I know this looks bad-"

You couldn't take it anymore. You started bawling, covering your hands up with your face, then running outside to the speeder to leave. You didn't know where you wanted to go, but you needed to get out. You fumbled with the keys, your hands shaking from the heartache.

Just as you were about to climb in, you heard Finn running up behind you.

"Wait, (Y/N)! Wait, please, let me talk to you, " he stammered, begging to hear your voice again.

"What? " you asked, turning to him already tired of his bull crap. "I come home, ready to spend the day with you, I bought us some freaking flowers, and I got you a new jacket. It's our ten month anniversary and this is how you think of me?!" you cried, placing your hand on your forehead in pain.

"I didn't even realize it was-"

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN-" you cut yourself off so you wouldn't have to yell. "Do you realize how much I hate you right now? You go behind my back and make out with that girl in our bedroom, and you don't even remember what day it is?!" you sighed. "You could remember it for the past few months, but suddenly you forget today?!"

"I got distracted-"

"I KNOW YOU DID!" you yelled at him. Finn flinched, scratching the back of his neck.

He sat in silence, as he felt sorry for himself. "I'm sorry, I swear it. "

"Why did you do it? Huh? Couldn't you have waited for me to come home? I thought you loved me Finn. Isn't that what you would tell me every morning when we woke up?" you walked up to him, hugging him and burying your face into his chest. "You would hug me and cradle me just like this, and you would whisper in my ear, "I love you, I'll never leave you, " every single morning. " you sighed. "But now you're telling me you would leave me, " you snarkily snap, shoving him.

"No I love you (Y/N), you have no idea how sorry I am-" He took a step in your direction holding his arms out for you to fall back into.

"Don't do that, " you hissed. "I want you... To leave, and when you come back, you better be ready with an apology. Go to your Rebel base and quiet your head there, maybe some common sense will fill up your mind there. "


"LEAVE!" You shout, pointing to the speeder, and throwing the keys on the ground.

With that, Finn walked to the speeder,  getting in, and going away, for forever.

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