Prompt #16 (Anakin)

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"Anakin! Anakin!"

Anakin was currently on the run after you, as Chancellor Palpatine claimed you tried to assassinate him by the use of your lightsaber. You were currently running out of the Jedi Temple, dodging flying stun blaster shots, and reflecting them back to the clones.

Anakin on the other hand was the only one who was on your side, because he saw you didn't try to assassinate him, and he was trying to reason with you.

Behind him, Obi-Wan was chasing after Anakin, knowing that you would outrun both of them, so he was planning to let you escape.

"Anakin! Let her go! You'll never catch up!" Obi-Wan shouts, letting the clones run in front of him, chasing after you, their flashlights beaming brightly in the night sky, making Obi-Wan shield his eyes.

Anakin whipped around, his eyes narrowed towards Obi-Wan, his lightsaber lighting up the night sky. Thunder rolled across the sky, indicating that it was going to rain soon. "I can't Obi-Wan! She didn't attempt to assassinate him! I saw it! I'm sorry!"

Anakin turned back around, seeing Captain Rex in a gunship up ahead, he ran to it flagging it down.

He hopped onto it, pointing towards your location. "Land there, get me close to her!"

"Yes general, " Rex nods, looking at the pilot, and shouting the orders over the sound of the blaster firing and thundering, to the pilot that Anakin had said to him.

As you ran, Anakin stood on the gunship, shouting to you. "(Y/N)!"

You ignored him, keeping your pace and reflecting blaster shots, and keeping your head down. You didn't want to make eye contact with Anakin, as you knew if you did, you would probably end up running into his arms, as you knew you always found comfort in them. In fact, you and Anakin had been dating for a while, and keeping it secret from the Republic and the Jedi Order had always been a hassle.

"(Y/N)!" he called again. His heart was aching. He wanted to tell you he loved you, and bring you into his arms and wrap a blanket around you and tell you it was going to be okay. "(Y/N) look at me!" He yelled, jumping out of the gunship, and running up to you. He grabbed your shoulder, making you spin around.

He stared into your eyes, his shoulders slowly rising and falling from running and heartache. His eyes looked you up and down, seeing that you were soaking wet from the rain, and your hair falling down on your face, he brought his left hand up, caressing your left cheek. You leaned into it, feeling the leftover warmth of his hand, as he wasn't in the rain as much as you were.

"Anakin..." you grabbed his hand, lowering it away from you. "I have to go. "

"No! You can't. You're not guilty. I saw it with my own eyes, " he pleads, his hair getting drenched, the pain pitter-pattering against the leather armor on his tunic.

"Please, let me go. I'll... I'll meet you back at your apartment, if you wish to see me again, " you smile, looking up into his eyes.

"No, no, " he shook his head, his eyes full of sadness and sorrow. He turned his head around, seeing Obi-Wan and Rex and his other clones at the doors of the Jedi Temple. "You have to come back, you have to make things right! If you run away, that only proves you're guilty!"

"No! Anakin, I'm running because I know the Jedi won't trust me anyway!" you retort, stepping away from him, sheathing your lightsaber. "They never have... They never will. The only people who have trust me are you, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, and maybe Yoda. "

"Isn't that enough?"

"No... Anakin, it isn't. Chancellor Palpatine is already probably spreading the news about me now on the Holonet, " you respond, flinching when you heard a thunderclap, but it sounded louder and much closer.

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