Prompt #5 (Luke)

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Mention of needles.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

You looked around, your vision blurry, blood pulsing through your veins. Your head ached, the feeling of dehydration suddenly hit you. You smacked your lips, they were pale and chapped, which made you very uncomfortable.

You looked around at your surroundings, seeing you were clasped to an operating table. You were dressed in a hospital robe, needles punctured in your arms, but you couldn't feel it. Where in the world were you?

Just as you began to rub your eyes, you felt pain, but not physical pain... You sensed someone else in the room. You flicked your eyes across the dark room, until finally landing on a dark figure in front of you: Darth Vader.

You growled, infuriated with who stood in front of you. You tried to get out of bed, but you felt something holding you down, pressing you against the bed. At that moment you felt your lungs being crushed, air escaping your body. You tried to claw at your throat, to escape it, but you couldn't.

You squirmed, your body grasped on to the last bit of air you had, until you collapsed on the bed.


You awoke with a start, your body shaking from fear, and your forehead beaded with cold sweat. You gasped, immediately clawing at your own throat, hoping you could breathe. Until you realized you could, you calmed down, and placed your head into your hands. What was that? Why did that happen?

You calmed down, taking deep breaths. You then looked beside you and saw that you were still on board the Millennium Falcon, in the cabin, as you saw you apparently fell asleep on a chair.

"Hey," you heard a voice say. You looked up and saw Luke standing beside you, then took a seat in the chair next to you. "You alright? You seem tense."

You laughed it off. "I'm fine Luke, thanks though."

"You're not worried about this mission are you?"

You sighed, fiddling with your hands out of nervousness. Before you were certainly confident of this mission, but ever since that dream you were now very wary of what could happen. "I'm... I'm not sure, I-"

Before you could answer you saw Han come into the room, his overpowering confidence steamed. "Hey kids, we're coming out of hyperspace. Do you remember the plan, or do I need to brief you on the mission, again?"

You rolled your eyes, remembering that he had indeed briefed you on the plan more than once just because you had kept forgetting. You couldn't help that it was in fact your first mission out alone with Han, Chewie and Luke. Before Leia would be sending you missions to usually run and get supplies, but now, you were doing something important: to steal information on the Empire on their next attack.

"Okay Han, that's enough. We'll go get our armor on, " Luke muttered, going into the back to get Stormtrooper armor on.

You sighed, going in the back to join Luke and get into your armor too.

You remembered the plan easily, now that Han told you more than once: Get Han and Chewie and bring them into the Imperial starship for "questioning" while you and Luke go and steal information from the statistics room, and then remove them from their cell and get back on the Falcon, and also refrain from using your lightsaber as much as possible.

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