Anytime, Jedi. (Anakin Request)

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This is a padawan Anakin request. Also Rated R scenes ahead.


You looked up from your hands, as you were playing with a necklace one of your best friends had made for your when you were little. You sat up from your bed, turning around to face who had called you, your gown swiftly swaying with your movements.

You saw who it was, as it was one of your handmaidens, Lana, was her name.

"Yes, Lana?" you asked, fixing your posture, all the meanwhile placing your beaded necklace down on the nightstand next to your bed. You turned back around, smoothing out your golden gown that you were to wear, only because you were a princess. Honestly the dresses that you had to wear were beautiful, but you hated it most of the time. The only time you didn't mind wearing a gown was when you were sleeping, in your nightgown.

"Mi'lady, " Lana bowed, and you dipped your head in return. "The Jedi are here. "

You sighed, rolling your eyes as you remembered your father ordering the Jedi to come to your world to protect you, as there had been threats about bounty hunters coming to kill you. This, was nothing new. Of course there had been threats before, but nobody actually acted upon them, so that's why you had been so passive about them. Nothing really happened where you lived, except politics and cooking channels on the Holonet. And better yet, the Jedi were probably old, and prideful, as you wanted something exciting to happen, and adding another old Jedi to the mix wasn't going to make things better.

"Bring them in, " you sighed, ready to be disappointed again.

Lana bowed, turning around to push the button that opened the door. The door slide open, and to your surprise, you saw two young Jedi standing at the door, with handsome smiles.

Instantly, your face lit up with excitement, as there was someone you could talk to and not get bored to death, as you saw a younger one, a teenager even. He was very handsome indeed. To the teenager's right, there was an older man, probably his master who had longer hair which was a blondish auburn, and a beard. The younger one had spiky hair dirty blonde hair and dark robes. He had piercing blue eyes, and a rather lavish smile.

"Hello!" you chirped, holding your hand out for them to shake, but the younger one grabbed it and kissed it in greeting. "Oh, " you giggled, leaving a smile on his face as he pulled away. The older one followed suit.

"Hello, " the older one responded, dipping his head, along with the younger one as well. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We're here to protect you I believe. " He showed his hand to Anakin, introducing himself, leaving Anakin to wave.

You smiled, nodding. "Yes, I'm Princess (Y/N) (L/N), and unfortunately there have been bounty hunter threats near me, and my father has gone overprotective and decided to order Jedi to protect me instead of his own guards, but the more the merrier I suppose. "

Obi-Wan chuckled, nodding his head. "Ah yes. Well, I suppose the more protection the better. "

You nodded, walking towards the Jedi, and eventually out of the room. "I'm sorry you got called all the way out here just for some protection job, I'm sure you have better things to do," you said, starting to slowly walk down the hall, with the Jedi walking by your side.

As you walked, your heels clicked against the marble flooring, and you could hear your dress dragging behind.

"It's fine, that's what we're here for mi'lady, " Anakin says, his voice being very calm and welcoming. "We're here to protect, and maintain peace, and that's what we're doing for you."

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