Getting Mixed Signals pt. 2

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Kylo-   It was 10 o'clock  in the morning, and you were both sleeping in on a Saturday. You were snuggled up next to Kylo, sleeping away, until he decided to move.

Kylo flipped over on his other side, his arm flinging, and hitting you in the head. You obviously awoke from the trauma, and sat up quite angry that you had been awaken from your slumber.

However, you still loved your boyfriend, even though he might hit you during your sleep. So, you lightly ran your fingers through his hair, and kissed his cheek.

"Missed," He mumbled. You could hear the smirk in his tone.

"No I didn't, " You giggled so slightly, so it didn't seem too girly, but still wanted to sound flirty (Hey that rhymed).

"I think you did." Kylo turned over again, so he'd be face to face with you.

You smiled over the fact that you knew he'd always win you over.

"I don't think so," you giggled flirtatiously.

Kylo chuckled, and just leaned in for the kiss. However, instead of kissing him back, you sat up, and got out of bed, leaving Kylo with his eyes closed and his lips hanging there.

Kylo however, still wanted that kiss. He didn't leave his lips lingering there for nothing. He slipped on some pants, and left his top half shirtless, along with his messy morning hair. He walked up behind you and wrapped his long, muscular arms around you, while you were making spaffles (space waffles. Basically waffles in Star Wars lol).

"You making spaffles?" He asked, trying to flirt.

"Yup," was all you said, kind of having a bit of attitude this morning.

"I sense somebody has an attitude. Do you need any loosening up?" He chuckled, kissing your neck.

All of the sudden, out of nowhere, you shoved a spaffle in his face, still gooey and uncooked.

"Kylo! Watch your manners! That is very inappropriate to talk about!" You shouted, slapping him with a spatula as well.

"What the Force?! I didn't do anything!" Kylo raged, wiping the spaffle off of him.

"You men are confusing!"

"We'll look who's talking..."

Tears swelled up in your eyes, blinking and trying to make sure he didn't see weakness. "I hate you, " was all you said.

"What did I do?! You shoved a spaffle in my mouth!"

"Whatever," you groaned, shoving the spatula in his hands. "You men can cook your own flipping spaffles."

Luke-  "Goooooood morning Coruscant (Vietnam. Catch my reference?)! Wake up (Y/N)! You're pregnant!" Shouted Luke.

Suddenly you burst awake from your dreams, waking up, and sitting up in the bed, with fast breathing.

"I'M​ PREGNANT?!" You shouted, freaking out.

Luke laughed, shaking his head. "No! I was just trying to wake you up!"

Luke kept laughing while you dreaded in horror. "Not funny!"

Luke pointed and laughed, indicating it was very funny. "Yes it is!"

You rolled your eyes, groaning and getting out of bed. "Don't get near me started, Luke Skywalker. I swear you can be just like your father," you spat, slipping on some clothes.

Luke immediately stopped laughing. You mentioning his father wasn't a good idea. However, you knew it would shut him up. "Jeez, it was just a joke. "

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