He Cheats (Kylo)

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"Left, no go right!"

"Make your mind up!" you yelled at Phasma, who was training you. She had training droids trying to blast lasers at you.

Just as your were about to come out of hiding and shoot a droid, they all shut down.

"What the heck?!" you shouted. "I was about to get one. "

Captain Phasma nodded. "I realize that, but you need a break. You're sweating up the storm, " she chuckled, throwing a water bottle to you. Quickly you grabbed it, looking down at yourself realizing she was right, you were sweating all over the place. You quickly drank all of the water, then quietly burping after drinking it so fast, which earned a good laugh from Phasma.

"Alright girl, I'm gonna go report how your training is doing to Kylo, I'll be back, " she says, getting on her helmet.

"Oh wait, " you stopped her in her tracks, making her turn around. "How about I go report to him? I haven't seen him in a bit anyways... Would that be okay with you?"

"Yes of course, I understand (Y/N). You may go, " she says, pointing the way to where Kylo was.

You smiled, "Thanks Phasma. "

With that, you bowed, and made your way to the exit of the training room, going to go find your boyfriend.

Quietly, you walk the halls of the Starkiller Base, your boots clinking down the hallway, nodding to storm troopers walking by you. You walked past doors, and rooms until-

Wait. What was that?

You heard something come from a room, weird strange noises. Was someone hurt? You looked to your left then right in the hallway to make sure no one saw you. You then put your hand on the scanner so you could go in, when suddenly it made a beeping error noise. You weren't authorized.

Not authorized? You thought. But Kylo made sure I was authorized to every single room. Maybe he did something to this particular one. You sighed, pressing your ear up against the door, to listen for any familiar sounds. There was one voice that sounded very familiar... It was a male for certain. You needed a weapon, or someone else to unlock the door for you.

You stepped back to look in the hallway, when you saw Hux coming your way.

"Hux!" you shouted, waving your hand for him to come over to your spot. "Could you unlock this door for me?"

"Yes, of course, why do you need to be in there?" He asked, pulling off his glove so the hand scanner could recognize him.

"I uh... Kylo told me to meet him in there, that's all, " you lied. You didn't really tell him the truth because you honestly thought something else was going on in there, and they certainly weren't hurt. Whoever it was needed to be stopped anyway.

He raised an eyebrow, pressing his hand up against the scanner. "Alright, I don't want to know what you're both  going to be up to, but if you do see him tell him he's needed on the bridge, " he mentions. The scanner then beeps an accepting ding, indicating the door should open.

"Thanks Hux, " you say. He nods, leaving to go to the bridge.

You breathe, slowly bringing your hand up to the button open the door, pushing it, then hearing the metallic slide of the door opening.

Instantly, you see a naked girl bent over a desk, with a half naked Kylo-Ren behind her, looking at you standing at the door with your arms crossed.

Your eyes narrowed at your cheating boyfriend, then looking at the girl, saying, "Get out, " you hissed, then returning your attention to Kylo.

The girl quickly got the message, grabbing her outfit she had slipping it on and running out of the room, mouthing to me, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. You just nodded, and let her go. You wanted to talk to Kylo anyway.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" you yell, kicking the desk over that the girl was leaning on. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?"

Kylo looked hurt, flinching at every sentence you yell. For a guy who swings his lightsaber at everything, he didn't seem so tough now. "I didn't mean f-for it t-to go like-"

"AND SHE HAD NO IDEA THAT YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?!" you screamed, getting really close to him. You took a pause, breathing, and trying to calm down. "When she left, she mouthed to me that she had no idea. So tell me, when she was trying to get on you, you didn't tell her, 'Sorry I can't, I have a girlfriend'?" You asked, your voice cracking.

Kylo swallowed, placing his head in his hands. "(Y/N) I know how bad this looks, please let me fix this, let me fix us, " he begs, going to grab your hands but your pull them away quickly.

"I honestly... " your voice cracked even more, tears starting to trickle down your face. "I honestly thought you loved me. How could I be such a fool?" you sighed, wiping your tears away.

"You aren't a fool, I love you (Y/N) she doesn't mean anything to me, I swear it," he answered, pulling you into a hug, his big muscular arms engulfing you.

You hugged him back, tracing his back muscles and burying your face into his chest. "I loved you too Kylo... But I can't anymore. If you weren't loyal to me once, how do I know I can trust you again?" you pulled apart, looking at him in his eyes.

"No I.. I can fix this! I can make us happy again I swear-" his voice broke, tugging a piece of hair behind your ear. "Please."

You shook your head, backing away. "This is goodbye Kylo. I'm going. "
Hey guys, don't forget to request on the request page or dm me. I do smut now too apparently lmao. Ily guys so much hehe. Also I have a surprise for everyone after all the "He Cheats" chapters 💕💕

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