Vader (Alternate Ending)

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So this is an alternate ending to the previous chapter because some of you (mainly me) wanted smut ;) so I will deliver.

Warnings: this is the kinkiest Vader/Anakin shit you might ever read. This is not for the faint of heart. This is not for you vanilla readers.

Damn it, you thought, now realizing how deep into trouble you were. Vader's interrogation room? You thought you were just going to be held captive in another detention block, but no, you were going to face the dark lord himself.

The stormtroopers had dragged you all the way to the very end of the ship--where you seemingly suspected Vader's interrogation room to be--and instead of seeing regular white, plasticy stormtroopers stationed by the entrance, you saw red, elegant Imperial guards, telling you that you were actually in serious trouble. You swallowed as you looked at the tall intimidating guards, guarding you against your (possible) death.

You watched the guards before one of them turned to the door and pressed a button on the keypad--the door opened with a hiss, and you were shoved down on to the cold and hard floor, your knees plopped down with a pained grunt, not loving the pulsing shock that traveled through your bones.

The troopers that had thrown you down on the ground had thrown you down so hard, that you hadn't even noticed that they took off your helmet, and left already.

You couldn't help but stare into the reflective black tiles of the floor, afraid of looking up and seeing the dark menace that you had heard so much about, and seen. You didn't want to see that man ever again--if you could even call him that. You felt your heart thudding in your throat as the anticipation and anxiety built up in your stomach--you felt like you were a scared little girl all over again.

The feeling overwhelmed you as you watched the black tiles, a figure appeared behind you, the sound of tall black boots thudding, and came to a stop until they were standing not even a foot behind you. You felt your jaw quiver, your heart palpitating from the sudden feeling of pure fear that had washed over you--a cold, empty feeling ran through your bones, tightening your nerves.

"Get up."

With an aggravated tone like that, you couldn't simply disobey orders, so you stood up, no matter how much your knees ached.

"Face me."

You glanced at the reflective floor tile to see his face, a sign of humanity, but you couldn't. His features were still hidden by a dark robe, almost like it was complimenting his darkness.

Slowly, you turned around, one foot in front of the other, afraid you were going to mess up just by doing something so simple.

Your chest rose up and down as if you had just finished running a mile. You were out of breath--panicking, even. Inside you were a whirlwind of panic, your mind darting from one worried thought to the next, afraid of what was going to happen to you. You never heard of stories where someone returns from Vader's interrogation room.

Tilting your chin up, you look up from his dark black boots to meet his face, the one thing you were so curious about.

Under the hood lied a man who still looked human, but his eyes told you that his soul wasn't. His eyes glowed a burnt orange, followed by a long scar that stood on his browbone, over one of his eyes. His sharp facial features stood still--his jaw clenched. He looked human, but from the cold stare you were receiving, he didn't look like it at all.

"How does it feel, to ruin everything on this ship, ruin everything for the Empire, and then stand and cower before me?" He said bitterly, his distant yet harsh stare bore into your mind.

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