You Guys Get Caught (Hux)

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You were sitting in your room, on the floor, currently sad about what happened to your boyfriend, Hux.

He went to out of his way to go buy you some flowers, since you weren't feeling your best, but out of nowhere, someone shot him with a poison dart, and the poison was killing him slowly.

You didn't like it, not one bit. It was hurting him. Since he was the General of the First Order, he wasn't usually so soft.

Now that he got shot and everytime you visited him, he was soft and mellow. It was strange.

You decided that sulking in a corner wasn't going to do anything to bring him home from the hospital so you picked up your phone (Let's pretend Star Wars has phones, okay?) and dialed the number of the hospital, and you waited on the line.

"Hello?" said the medic.

"Can I speak with Hux?"

"Hux? Room 308? Poison dart?"

"Yes, that's him. "

"Oh he was just released a moment ago. He's being sent home right away. "

You didn't need to hear any further. You heart started pounding fast with joy as your boyfriend was finally coming home. You were so happy, you ended the call before saying goodbye.

You stuffed your phone into your pocket of your jeans, and rushed outside, to see the white and red medical vehicle pulled up outside your guy's house.

You grinned so wide, your mouth could've hung open. He was home. He was safe. At last.

"Hux!" You shouted excitedly, running to your boyfriend, as he quickly got out of the speeder, and engulfed you into a hug, spinning you around. You were so happy he was home. He gently kisses you on your cheek, placing you back down onto the ground.

"I'm home, at last. How have you been?" he asked, pressing his forehead to yours, as the speeder drove off.

"There hasn't been a day go past that I haven't thought about you," you said, smiling an awful lot.

He chuckled, bringing your hands up to his lips as he gently kissed them. "Me too. You truly haven't left my mind. "

You giggled, missing the soft touch of his lips on yours, leaning in and kissing him. He held you close, however, he slowly and reluctantly pulled away. "We should go head inside," he said, with a wink.

You nodded, walking inside, his hand in yours, as he followed behind, with him closing the door.

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as his went around your waist. Hux leaned in, giving you a kiss on your neck instead of your lips. He began to slowly trail up, taking his time, not getting things into a rush, as he didn't want to waste any part of loving your body.

His lips finally reached yours, as he gently pushed you against the wall, pinning you there. He passionatly intensified the kiss, begging for more. You continued to kiss him back, and your hands traveled down to the back of his shirt, slipping it off.

As soon as Hux started to rub your sides, there was a pounding on the door.

Hux ignored it, hoping they'd go away. However, the door swung open, revealing, none other than, Kylo-Ren.


Hux pulled away, surprised to see his best buddy here. "Ren? What are you doing here?"


And with that, Kylo left you two back to your things.

(A/N) sorry for republishing. I had to fix a few things.

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