I Thought You Were Dead

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Lmao the title. Anyway, this is what they said and what they did when they thought you were dead but you weren't. Sorry if some are longer than others lol... But this is some quality writing like no joke idk why but I write best at 4 a.m lmao.

Anakin-  Anger. Sadness. Betrayal. Hatred. All of those things filled Anakin's heart, swelling up like a water balloon that was about to burst. He couldn't believe it. You weren't dead. No, you couldn't. Anakin stood by your body, lying on the floor, helpless, unconscious, lifeless. In pure fury Anakin closed his fists, his surroundings starting to break, pipes bursting, steel crates closing in, a whole battalion of droids rose into the air, all suddenly snapped at once as soon as his fists closed. Everyone around him seemed to stop and stare, at what Anakin had done, just out of pure rage. He loved you, he loved every single inch of you, he loved your mind, your wits, your talents. He kept repeating the same things over and over again in his mind, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! He couldn't accept the fact that you were indeed dead, and his anger had taken a toll on his mind. Thinking with his lightsaber, he brought it out, slicing every object around him. Obi-Wan had seen what Anakin was doing and rushed up to help him, but got shoved out of the way with the Force, and thrown on to a wall, knocking him out. Out of sight, he realized what he had done, and saw how much he destroyed, and he ran over to your body, crying and pounding the ground by your side. "I'm so sorry! I've let you down... " Anakin knelt beside you, his mechanical hand caressed your face, his tears dripping down on to your body. "I keep failing everyone around me.. I just... I'm so sorry." Anakin kept apologizing, and holding your body to feel secure. He knew he shouldn't have attachments, but it didn't matter to him anymore. Still unable to accept your death, Anakin leaned down and planted a very long kiss, on to your lips, hoping you would come back. Then suddenly, as if it was a miracle, he felt your lips move in sync, and he realized you were alive. He pulled away, and engulfed you into a huge hug. "Oh my gosh I thought I lost you... I'm never letting you go, ever again. " he says, wiping tears away from his eyes. "I'll love you, forever, I swear. "

Finn-  "No!" Finn quickly realized what happened and he ran up to your body, still wondering how it could've happened. He couldn't help but blame himself for your death. Finn's heart had been shattered. He just lost the love of his life. "How.. How did I let this happen?" Finn laid his head down resting on your chest, hoping to find peace with your lifeless body. Or so he thought. Suddenly, he could hear your heart beating. He frantically scurried to stand back up, then unable to hold his balance he fell back down on his knees, caressing your face, in happy tears as your eyes slowly opened. "I thought you were dead!" he announced, giving you a kiss. "I promise I'll do everything I can to keep this from happening again. "

Han- "She can't be dead." Han refused to believe it. He was in denial, like he always was. "No, I can't give up on her. " Han paced back and forth in the  hospital room, in front of your bed. "Don't you give up on me! I love you!" he screamed at your pale corpse, still asking for there to be hope. That's when he broke. He fell down on his knees, his hands holding on to your right hand. His eyes were in tears. No matter how strong he was, or seemed, the stronger ones fall harder. His eyes seemed to scream help. Beep... Quickly Han stopped crying as he heard the noise. Beep... There was another. He stood up still holding on to your hand, but more tightly this time, then he saw you smirk in your sleep, which made him kiss that remarkable smirk. "Oh my God I love you. I love you, I love you, I freaking love you. Don't ever do that to me again. "

Hux-  "Back away! This is your fault!" Hux yelled. Everyone that crowded around your body quickly backed away as he continued to yell and blame everyone for your death. "You'll all pay for this!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, and he was in rageful tears. He pounded the ground in agony, each time getting weaker and weaker as he started to realize that you were gone. He lifted his hand, and slowly started to caress your cheek, as he was in pain, he never thought he could've been hurt like this, never. "Please... Wake up.. I-I love you... " his tears slowly became dry as he could no longer process the thought of your life vanishing from his. Just as he finished up his last tear, he saw your head move. He couldn't believe it. He blinked, rubbing his eyes, then he saw you move your whole head. His breath hitched, then he started coughing, all very surprised that you were alive. He quickly grabbed you and pulled you into a hug, embracing your very alive body. "Please don't ever leave me, you have no idea how much you mean to me..."

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