He Cheats (Obi-Wan)

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"I can't believe he's making me do this, " you mutter to yourself, throwing your cloak over your head. "Go inside the Jedi Temple, find Master Yoda and bring him here, " you mocked your dad's words, grumbling as you picked up your cloak, stepping on to the steps of the Jedi Temple.

Why could he just send a holo-message or have one of his guards contact Master Yoda? You were Chancellor Velorum's daughter and it was very dangerous to walk alone, especially in the open of Coruscant. Good thing you had your hood over yourself, it would provide some protection.

You sighed, about to enter the gates of the Jedi Temple, when two Jedi guards stopped you, crossing the entry with their yellow lightsabers.

"Hault, " one of them said. "Show your face and your identity card. "

You groaned, not really having any time for this. All you really wanted to do was go back to your fathers place with Master Yoda, then leave to go finish your studies. "Listen, " you said, throwing off your hood. "I don't have time for this, do you know who I am?" you asked, placing your hands on your hips.

One of them gasped, "Oh (Y/N) Velorum. Why are you here?"

"My father wants to speak to Master Yoda, and I have no idea why. He said he needs to see him personally and he says it's an emergency."

The guards look at one another, sheathing their lightsabers, and stepping aside for me to enter, the doors opening.

You nod to them, stepping inside the Jedi Temple. It looked very calm and sacred, with red flooring and huge golden statues of Jedi Masters, and tall columns. You were in all awe. Honestly you've never been inside, even dating Obi-Wan he's never taken you inside the Temple. You've just seen glimpses of it, when people entered the building and then the doors closing, leaving the Temple a mystery to the outside world.

You threw your hood over your head again, pretending to be a Jedi hoping no one would see you, just because of the sole purpose of not wanting to be stopped and people asking why you were here. You were here to deliver a message to Master Yoda, bring him back to your father, then go back to your studies. That was it.

Walking the halls of the Jedi Temple made you feel important, like you belonged there. You felt confident. This made you want to raise your posture up, and walk properly, like everyone else was doing. These Jedi were prideful, even though they claimed not to be. You could see it in Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

Just as you were keeping your head down, you lost your footing and bumped into a Jedi. Great.

"Oh excuse me, " his voice was familiar. You looked up, seeing Qui-Gon Jinn. "(Y/N)? What in the universe are you doing here?" he chuckled, almost glad to see you.

You smiled, then clearing your throat. "I'm here to see Master Yoda, " you say. "I'm here to deliver a message from my father. "

He nodded, stroking his beard. "Alright, he should be in his quarters. If not, he may be in the Council room, but don't go in there if they're having a meeting. "

You nodded, thanking him, which made him bow and leave you. You sighed, continuing the search for Master Yoda. Then suddenly you had a great idea. You could stop by Obi-Wan's quarters since they were on the way. You smiled at the thought, making your merry way to his room.

Eventually you arrived at your destination, covering your face more with your hood, hoping not to be noticed by anyone. You smiled, putting on your best face that Obi-Wan adored, and pressing the button that opened the door to his room, letting it slide open with its familiar metallic sound.

Just as you prepared to see your boyfriend, you saw a girl on the couch, looking up at you, gasping. Thank god she was fully clothed.

"What on Coruscant is going on here?!" You whisper-yelled, speedily walking up to the couch to see who the girl was on top of, and being very disappointed, you saw it was Obi-Wan, shirtless.

"(Y/N)..." he sighed. The girl got up, throwing on a cloak and rushing out of the room. "I am so, so sorry. Please let me make it up to you, I'll do anything, " he pleads, running up to you and grabbing your hands.

You stared at the floor, letting tears slip down of your eyes, just like the love you two once harboured for one another.

"Obi-Wan... Why? Why would you do this?" you looked up at him slowly, your eyes filled with lost hope.

He ran his fingers through your hair, pulling your head to his chest, kissing the top of your head. "I don't know (Y/N)... I don't know what came over me. But what I do know is that I love you and only you..." He says, as you pull your face away.

You sneer at him, backing away out of his arms. "No, never. You never loved me. If you did, you would've stayed loyal to me!" You shout quietly, trying not to get caught.

"(Y/N) I swear I love you, I just-"

"Stop making up excuses! I know how you feel about me now. For weeks I thought we felt distant, and now I know why. You've been cheating on me with that-that girl!" you cry, your fists balling up, your nails digging into your skin.

"You... You felt distant?" He wondered painfully. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)... I'm an awful boyfriend I wish I could just fix everything!" Obi-Wan's voice breaks, tears starting to stream down his face. This was something you thought you'd never see. You always thought he was strong and could never be broken.

"So... " your tears dried up, your fingers no longer digging into your skin. "Jedi do possess feelings." you turned you head away, then turning your whole body around to no longer face Obi-Wan. "How about you take your prideful Jedi code and your girlfriend with you, while I run this system with my father," you snap back, throwing your hood over your head.

"N-no please don't leave me, " he begs, trying to walk after you.

"Don't, take another step in my direction, I can't trust you. Don't think you can talk your way into my arms, Kenobi."

Heyyy sorry I haven't updated in a while I got super busy this week with cleaning the house and I had a friend over :b I PROMISE I'll get to your guy's requests after this series. After Poe's I'll start.

Also I've been up crying about how adorable the Anakin is at Disney World, like 😭😭😭 anyway ily all 💕💕

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