He Cheats (Poe)

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"Poe! Poe!" yelled General Leia, marching around the Rebel base camp like mad woman. You seemed to notice her trouble, so you walked up to her.

"General? What seems to be the issue?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Oh (Y/N) thank the Force. Do you know where Poe is? I was thinking you do, since you know, you're his girlfriend and all," she says, crossing her arms.

You looked at her, then around the room. You wondered that too. You had no clue where he was, he hasn't called you all day for that matter. Usually every morning he'll leave you a holo-message saying where he was, since he usually stays at the Rebel Base, and you stayed at your apartment. Plus, you haven't even seen him here.

"Honestly I have no idea either. What do you think could've happened to him?" you ask, running your fingers through your hair in curiosity.

She shrugged. "Well, he came to the base yesterday on time, running errands for me and such. Then he said he was gonna go home to you... But I suppose he didn't. "

Suddenly your eyes widened in shock.  Poe lied to you, and the General? That was something insane for him to do.

"Okay. I'm gonna go... I'll find him General, don't worry, " you say with an eyebrow raised. Poe would usually tell you everything, this was absolutely unusual.

"Okay, good luck (Y/N). May the Force be with you, " she says with an intense worried face.

You nod, parting ways.

Now where in the universe could he be? At that moment you remembered you had a tracking beacon on Poe's ship at all times, just in case he ever got into danger, you could find him easily.

You then pulled out your tracking beacon, turning it on to see where his ship was. It said it was in the Rebel Base hangar, but Poe's not here. Maybe he was, but he's just staying out of sight? You turned it off, placing your tracker back into your pocket, walking around the base. You asked people around, asking if anyone had seen Poe, but no body saw him. It was the strangest thing. Maybe he's in his quarters, that's a good place to start, you think, walking to where he stayed.

Just as you approached it, you heard a crash coming from the room, like someone knocked something over. In panic, you quickly pressed the key to open the door, the grey metallic door then sliding open.

That's when you saw everything. Your  once loyal boyfriend had a girl sitting on top of a counter, his arms wrapped around her, in fact, groping her, with their lips locked together in a very heated kiss.

You coughed, clearing the air, hoping Poe would turn around and look at you, then come running to you for mercy.

Instantly, and as you expected, the girl looked up with a surprised face, and Poe turned around to see you, with his face turning from lust to sorrow.

"Who are you?" the girl sassed, playing with Poe's hair. He didn't even stop her.

"I'm his girlfriend," you hissed, placing your hands firmly on your hips.

She looked at Poe, then back at you. "Yeah I'll just leave, " she says, grabbing her things and rushing out the door, which slammed behind her.

"(Y/N) let me apologize-" he starts, but you interrupt him, uninterested in his excuses.

"You know General Leia was worried sick about you out there. She said you never reported in, and she says he hasn't seen you all day. Do you know how that makes me feel?!" you shout, waiting for a response. All Poe does is keep his head down, staring at his feet. You groan, running your hands down your face. You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes. "Poe I thought you were missing or something like that, but here you are, making out with that girl!" you sigh, your voice on the verge of breaking. "Did you ever love me?"

"Yes of course, I still do. She doesn't mean anything to me, I swear. You're the best person who has ever walked into my life, " Poe comes up to you, caressing your face. You leaned in to it, missing his touch. "I swear, I wouldn't know what to do without you. Please forgive me. We can still be happy. "

You shook your head, grabbing his hand and lowering it down. "No Poe... We can't. I cannot live on another day,  waking up in the morning with you laying next to me, knowing you cheated on me. I'm sorry. " you looked up at Poe to see if he was just as emotional as you, and he was. In fact he looked a wreck. His eyes frantically searching your face, wondering if he should kiss you right now, to try and bring you back to him.

"Don't think about it, " you sadly told him. You wanted to kiss him so badly, but you knew that would only make things worse.

However, Poe didn't seem to understand, and he leaned in and gave you one last kiss. You held on to this moment, hoping it could last forever, but unfortunately it couldn't. You pulled away, backing up from him.

"Goodbye Poe."

"I love you. "

You turned around, your back facing him. "Goodbye. "
So that's the end of this series :) keep an eye out for requests! Also happy belated Canadian day, eh. American day is just around the corner haha, don't forget to listen to Hamilton to appreciate one of our founding fathers lmao.

Also I have a surprise for y'all, and if you know anyone who likes Star Wars, please reccomend this book! I lost a lot of readers when is went on that big hiatus, and I would love to get more viewers! Ily all 💕💕 and we got to 50 chapters! Yay!

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