How You Met Him (Kylo-Ren)

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(A/N) I just realized how to write these X readers lol. Let's do this correctly.

"(Y/N)!" shouted your parents, calling for you from the living room.

You trudged slowly from your bedroom, obediently obeying their commands.

"Yes?" You said, crossing your arms.

Your mom looked at your dad. "We don't want you to be seeing your boyfriend anymore," she harshly put.

"What? " you sharply responded.

Your father looked sternly at you. "He's bad news (Y/N). I've seen him do things that no one else I know has done. "

You narrowed your eyes at your parents. "You are so controlling! Why can't you accept the fact that I love him?! He's everything to me. I'm eighteen! I can take care of myself. You won't let me do anything anymore. You won't even let me out of the house anymore. You control everything!" You raged, letting all those bottled up feelings you've kept in so long about your parents out, as you stormed out of the front door.

You ran fast. You ran away. You didn't know where you were going, but all you did was run. You couldn't stand your controlling parents; the way they looked at all your business, asked for your phone all the time, asked what you did two seconds ago, everything.

You finally stopped running as you came upon an empty field of grass and hills. You stopped, and just plopped down on the rolling hills of grass, ferociously plucking grass up and throwing it in spite of anger and rage.

You were furious. You couldn't stand the way they treated you for the past eighteen years.

Finally, you broke. You broke down in tears. Your chest heaved, as you cried your tears away, burying your face into your knees. You cried like this for what seemed like hours. You couldn't stand to see yourself like this, but you continued anyway.

Suddenly, out of no where, there was a deep booming voice right behind you. "I know how you feel," the voice said.

Being frightened, you stumbled back, rolling to the bottom of the hill, standing back up to see the face who held the voice.

But there was no face. It was a man, with a mask. His body was fully clothed in black, every single inch of it. You couldn't see any skin. Slowly, he walked down to where you were, and told you to sit down.

So you sat.

You voice was shaky, as you realized who was sitting in front of you. "What-what do you want?"

"Just to talk, " he said, in his mask. He paused, looking at you through the steel mask. "My name is Kylo-Ren. "

You stuttered, scooting back a bit. "I-I know who you are. You work for the First Order. "

"Indeed I do," he paused again. "What's your name?"

You gulped. "(Y/N)," you put simply.

"That's a very pretty name. "

For a guy who worked for the First Order, he seemed pretty decent. He didn't seem so cruel in person, unlike the stories that have been told by your friends, about all the people he killed.

Suddenly you didn't seem so afraid anymore. "Er.... Thanks. I guess yours is too. "

He chuckled. "Thank you," he paused once more. "Why did you run away? " he asked, switching to a different topic.

You started to pluck at the grass again. "My parents are controlling. They won't let me be myself. "

He nodded. "I had parents like yours... They wanted me to train under a Jedi. They wanted me to be like he was... However I didn't quite agree with them. I grew more powerful than him, and decided to join the Dark Side, where I could truly learn all the powers of the Force and gain revenge on my parents. "

"Sounds like a sweet deal. "

"It truly is. "

You nodded, looking up at him. "I've never seen you without your mask before... May I see your face? "

He hesitated for a moment, but then he lifted his hands up to take off his helmet. It clicked and whirred and made all different kinds of noises as the gears turned. Finally, it latched off revealing a very handsome man, with long black hair, and scars on his face. His eyes were brilliant, but they seemed sad, and lost.

You took in every detail before he stood up and offered you his hand. "The First Order can offer you a home. And revenge. Would you like that? " he asked.

Certainly you did. You smiled, and stretched out your hand, taking his hand and standing up.

"I'd love to join you. "

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