Prompt #11 (Obi-Wan)

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It was late at night, and you stood in the holographic training room breaking a sweat.

You breathed, unable to control your thoughts. Of all things that had to cross your mind tonight, the thought of losing Obi-Wan had.

Obi-Wan had been your illegal boyfriend for about two years now, and the thought of losing him had never crossed your mind so miraculously until tonight. Sure, you thought that he might die in battle with you, but you had just woken up from a very vivid dream about him dying from a Sith lord.

Tiredly, you plopped yourself down on a metal bench and tossed your lightsaber beside you. You felt exhausted. Every time you closed your eyes you couldn't help but think of Obi-Wan and that stupid dream.

The dream was dark and stormy. You remembered you sat idly by as you watched your love being electrocuted to death from an evil Sith lord. His screaming belted into your ears, and you remembered that you couldn't move. You felt like you were trapped in cement, as you had to watch him struggle as he screamed your name for help, or for someone to help.

You huffed, feeling frustrated that you couldn't sleep or close your eyes without seeing that dream again. What were you supposed to do? You couldn't just sit here without sleep for the next eight hours--you had to be up bright and early to get on board of the Venator.

With all of your emotions twisting inside of you, you couldn't help but let these emotions flush to your mind until your body finally had it and let out buckets of wet, salty tears that streamed down your face. Your facial expression screamed of exhaustion and confusion, and most of all; sadness.

What would you even do without Obi-Wan? He was the one who had helped you out the most when you needed it. He was always there for you. He always put you first, even in the most dangerous situations. He never thought of himself first, it was always you. You were his priority, and that's what made you fall for him. No one had ever put you first until you met him.

You shook your head, trying to get rid of these sad thoughts, you brought your sleeve up to your face and wiped away the rivers that dampened your skin.

You sniffed and got up from the bench and walked over to the wall where the buttons were to control the holographic droid images. You called your lightsaber to you which quickly flew to your hand in an instant--the familiar metal clasped with your hand, giving you a sense of security.

You pushed the switch to turn on the holographic images and quickly backed up to analyze your situation. Droids flew into the space in front of you, some regular battle droids, while some were big super droids, and some droidekas.

After scanning the room, you pushed the button on your lightsaber, the epic blade hummed with delight as it stood ready for battle.

With flashes of light, the battle had begun, as you stood by yourself, swinging your arm in defense against the blue holographic droids. You reflected their laser blasts back at them, plowing down each and every droid with ease.

You approached the droids in a strategic manner--your emotions had finally left your mind as you focused on the battle--swinging your lightsaber in a flourishing manner, chopping down each droid until they vanished into a pile of blue holographic cubes on the floor.

You keep your mind focused on the relationship between the droids and the lightsaber, making sure that your point was made clear to each battle droid as you swooped the bright blade into the droid's body, doing everything in your power to keep your mind off of that dream.

Focus, you tell yourself, trying to keep the tears in check, and away from your cheeks as much as possible.

As you approach your final droid, you muster up all of your energy and let out a raging yell, pushing forward all of your negative energy into this strike, as you drill a hole into the droideka's hood--all of the pain and anger being released.

Finally, you hear a victorious beep come from overhead, indicating that you had finished this round with the droids.

You breathed heavily as you knew you just drilled down about three or four droid squadrons in a matter of seconds. You wiped your forehead from the sweat that had built up on your sleeve, your body now only feeling more exhausted.

"I heard you couldn't sleep."

Startled, you snap your head towards the voice and see Obi-Wan standing in the door frame very leisurely.

You smile once you recognize that it was him, and not some other Council member who might have your neck for staying up so late.

"Yeah... Sorry if I woke you. I tend to get really involved in these training sessions, " you joke, trying to lighten up your mood.

Obi-Wan lets out a chuckle as he removes himself from the doorframe and walks his way over to you. "No you're fine, I was awake as well."

You approached Obi-Wan as he approached you, meeting up in the middle of the room.

"Why were you awake?" You ask out of curiosity, turning off your lightsaber, then clipped it to your utility belt.

He shrugged before pulling you into a hug, where he gently pressed your head into his chest. You smiled, welcoming the warm feeling of your boyfriend. "I sensed that you were stressed so I woke up and came to check up on you. "

You wrapped your arms around him and planted a soft kiss on his chest, thanking him for thinking of you, again--like he always does. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I appreciate you so, so much."

He looks down at you and pulls your head off of his chest, his big hands rested on your cheeks, as his face was filled with happiness, yet concern. "Of course, darling. " He brushes a wet, sweaty strand of hair out of your face. "My, you really are sweaty, " he laughs, as he wipes some sweat from your forehead that seemed to have beaded up from your previous swipe.

You laugh, still keeping your gaze locked with Obi-Wan's, not wanting to feel lost ever again. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"How long were you doing this?" The pad of his thumb strokes the bottom of your jawline, putting your unstable emotions at rest.

"Oh... For about two hours now, give or take."

His eyes widen as he pulls you back in for another hug. "Why are you so stressed?"

You squint your eyes and roll your head against his chest, not wanting to answer his question, but you knew you had to, or else he would continue to grill you with unending questions until you would tell him the truth. "Just bad dreams... That's all. I just can't seem to sleep. "

Obi-Wan nods as he presses his chin to the top of your head--his signal of reassurance. He leans down and presses his soft lips on top of your hair, the kiss sending out a surge of solace, it replacing your emotions that were once filled with worry. "Don't worry darling. I'm here. That's all that matters. I'm here."

You breathed in his scent and closed your eyes, now believing in those few comforting words than anything else in your entire life. Those few words of relief perished those awful thoughts, now enveloping yourself only in his warmth, and in his peace.

"I love you, " you mumbled, your eyes drooping from the lack of energy in your body.

"I know. I'm here."


dakota-is-dun I hope you enjoyed this.

Also sorry that it's been literally two years since I've updated this book. Quarantine has finally allowed me to relax and do the stuff I want to do at my own pace.

I'll be more active, I promise. In fact, I have a new Anakin X Reader out called 'Arrogance' if any of you are interested. It's also very smut heavy cause I know a lot of us are whores for Anakin 😔✌🏻

Anyway, love y'all. ❤

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