Song That Describes... pt. 2

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Your guy's "get back together" song after you broke up because of him cheating. Then it describes how he went back and chased after you and apologized.

Anakin- Ruin by Shawn Mendes. At night, all he could think about was you. Whenever he slept alone in his bed, he tried hugging a pillow pretending it was you, or before he went to bed sometimes he accidentally made dinner for two people. He couldn't help but think that you were the only one for him, and the same for you. So one night he got out of bed and flew to your house and apologized.

Finn- Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainer ft. John Legend. He knew what he did, and he felt really guilty for it. Whenever he was alone he couldn't get you out of his head. And then when he tried to do missions, usually it was with you, Rey,  Poe, and Chewy, but without you it always always silent, and he hated it. So when he came to apologize, he promised he would hold you forever, like he would lose you again.

Han- Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes. Han couldn't get rid of you. His thoughts were all of you, how you walked out on him that day. He remembered when you pulled him into a last kiss, then when you pulled away, all he could remember was the aftertaste that he kept with him. So eventually, he traveled to you, asking for you to accept him back into your life.

Hux- How You Get the Girl by Taylor Swift. Every day while working at Starkiller Base, he always seemed off track, or lost in thought, as he remembered the day he lost you. Finally Kylo told him to pull up his big boy pants and go apologize to you, which he did. He went to your house telling you how much he missed you, reminding you of the good ol' days that you spent together.

Kylo- I Wish You Would by Taylor Swift. Kylo would spend nights writing his thoughts down about you in his journal, just because his therapist told him to keep one, and said it would help with his anger issues. He would always write down stuff saying, "I wish you would come back, " and he would always imagine you sleeping next to him at night. Until one day he told himself he needed to stop wishing and actually go after you, so he did.

Luke- Change My Mind by One Direction. Luke knew that your relationship was over, and he thought there was no going back and going back to you, but he knew every night he always felt different and alone without you, so eventually Leia convinced him and changed his mind to go after you and bring you back.

Obi-Wan- Stay by Rhianna ft Mikky Ekko. During his duties with the Jedi Order, he wasn't always feeling himself. Every time he would go meditate by himself, your image always wandered into his mind. He knew that he missed you. He would always imagine you in his arms, holding you like you always did. It was during a training session with Qui-Gon that he decided to get up and leave to look for you. He claimed he had a feeling, that something was wrong, and Qui-Gon told him to follow his instincts, and so, he did.

Poe- Thinking of You by Katy Perry. Every time Poe explored the galaxy, flying to different planets, he always saw the same thing over and over again: happy couples. Whenever he walked the streets, he saw couples in love holding hands, and he couldn't stop thinking of you. He remembered the way you walked, how your hands felt with his, how your lips moved perfectly in sync as if they were two puzzle pieces who had been separated for a long time, finally returning to one another. One day, he was sitting on a bench waiting for Rey to return with supplies, he saw you on the other side of the street, so he immediately left his post and ran to you.


Hey guys! I updated Lord Vader, chapter 2. Go check it out. Make sure to request :) 💕💕

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