First Thoughts

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Their first thoughts when they met and saw you.


~She has nice eyes.
~Woah, Anakin, chill. She's just a nice pretty girl. Don't let your hormones get the best of you.
~She's so pretty... I can't stop staring...
~She's really hot too. She has nice legs. Why am I thinking like this?
~Don't be an idiot. Just impress her with your amazing lightsaber skills or something. Or maybe, I can show her my amazing abs at the gym one day.


~She's a nice girl. Maybe we could be friends.
~Holy... crap... I think I just found the most beautiful woman in the world...
~Finn, stop staring, you look like a stalker.
~Okay, this is it! I'm asking her out. Wait... should I? Maybe she already has a boyfriend... Cause that would be really awkward...
~Why is she so freaking beautiful? I keep getting lost in her eyes.......... and on her body............ I should just stop.


~Han stop trying to make yourself look attracted to that girl.
~I can't stop smiling at her... she brings me joy.
~Oh my gosh, dang, look at those curves!
~My hair is looking like crap. My clothes are wrinkly, and I look like crap. I'm seeing (Y/N) today, and I don't want to look like I've swam in bantha fodder.
~I told her the most stupidist pick up line... she probably hates me now...


~I told Kylo I thought (Y/N) was pretty today. He keeps teasing me about it.
~Am I allowed to touch her?
~She's so gorgeous! I can't look away.
~I find it nice that she's a really kind person... well, at least to me, unlike Kylo or Phasma.
~I just asked her out... by a note. A cheesy, corny, poetic note. It's so corny, there's a chance she'll say no. How much more idiotic can I become?


~What would Darth Vader do in this situation....
~Gah! I can't help but smile at her. I'm not supposed to smile. Grandpappie didn't smile, so niether should I.
~Kylo. Hands off.
~I had a temper tantrum in front of her. I think I need more anger manegment.


~Luke. This is not the way of the Jedi. You aren't supposed to have feelings towards a woman. Or a guy.
~She has nice... cheeks...
~Her eyes are beautiful... I can't help but get lost in them...
~Luke! You idiot! Stop stumbling on your words!
~I like cuddling with her.


~Can a woman get more beautiful?
~She seems nice. And kind. And caring. I like it.
~I cant help but stare when she eats a banana.
~Why do I have to act so shy when she's around?
~I truly do love her, even thought the Jedi Code forbids it. I can't help myself. She's truly amazing.


~She's nice and all, but I don't think she's right for me. Well, maybe. Yes? Yes. Totally. Yeah, I like her!
~Wow, she can kick some butt!
~Her whole body... is a work of art.
~Can I not get anymore stupider? I just literally coughed in her face.
~I love her so much. She's got good shoulders too.

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