A Hard Day's Night (Anakin)

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After an extremely long, gruesome mission on Cato Neimoidia, you and your boyfriend, Anakin Skywalker, had finally returned home to your apartment in Coruscant, where you could finally be together alone, instead of having to pretend you were nothing more than Jedi colleagues on a battlefield.

Unfortunately for you, you were the one who had gotten injured on the field. While slicing off an arm of a super droid, it's other arm had taken an unorthodox method and slammed it's steel arm into your spine, knocking you off of your feet and on to the ground, knocking the wind out of your body.

Luckily, Anakin was right by your side the entire time and rushed you to get some help at the medical base. However, even after getting treatment for your back, your back still felt entirely sore.

"Go get a shower sweetheart, maybe the hot water on your back will make it feel better, " Anakin suggests, as you enter your apartment.

You nod, rubbing your back at the sore spot. "I'll try that, thank you Ani, " you say, pecking his cheek before walking off to the refresher.

While in the restroom, you strip yourself of your clothes and open the glass door to the shower hop in, and turn the warm water on, and let the warm droplets soak your hair, your body, letting it all run down your back, hoping to find some sort of relaxation.

While in the shower, you hear the door to the restroom slide open. You raise an eyebrow while grabbing the shampoo bottle and squirting some of the liquid into your hands, you look through the foggy, glass door and see your boyfriend Anakin with his back turned to you, you see him throw his utility belt on to the floor, followed by his Jedi tunics, soon leaving his toned back bare.

Your eyes widened, your hands massaging the shampoo in your hair mindlessly as you watch him get undressed through the foggy glass.

The image of his getting undressed was unclear, but it was still there. You could see his wide frame, his arms stretching to pull down his pants, pushing them off of his legs until his whole, bare body is revealed.

He throws all of his clothes in a pile in the bathroom, before turning around to walk towards the shower.

To make it seem like you weren't watching him the entire time, you quickly snap out of your gaze and look at the white, ceramic tiled walls in front of you, returning your attention to shampooing your hair, running your fingers through it thoroughly, hopefully to convince yourself that you weren't watching him the entire time.

Anakin approaches the shower door and opens it, his tall, broad figures comes in and stands behind you and shuts it, blocking most of the water flow from your body.

You turn around, your hands still in your hair, facing Anakin, not appreciating the fact that he just stepped in and ruined the flow that hit your back. "You're blocking the flow, " you say, flicking your eyes up to the shower head, then back to Anakin, who now stood there with a head full of wet hair.

Anakin chuckled at that, switching places with you silently.

You thanked him and turned around to face the showerhead, and began to wash the shampoo out of your hair, scrubbing it thoroughly.

Anakin stood behind you, watching your soft fingers run through your hair, admiring the beautiful skin that covered your body from head to toe, dripping in steamy, hot water, all the while smiling to himself, thinking that you were his and only his.

Not being able to keep his hands away from you, Anakin walked up behind you and grabbed your wrists and pulled them away from your hair.

Confused, you raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. "Anakin, what are you-"

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